Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

“Who’s there? Oh, it’s the future calling,” rambled 3 as several drones similar in appearance to 3 materialized in the room,“Oh, I guess this makes me the bad guy.”

Marka just crushes the drones into tiny cubes via The Force, “I am not going to play your little game, clanker.” His glare gets more terrifying.

“What’s happening?” Eric asks, sounding legitimately confused.

“Time Travel!” yelled 3 to the heavens as more drones appeared out of thin air," So, what do you think?"

“Isn’t that dangerous though?”

Marka gets even angrier, “You imbecile! You’ll destroy yourself!” Marka yells very angrily

“Future me say’s it’s necessary, and future me rules the future, so I’m just going to go along with what he says.”

“But time paradoxes and stuff…”

Marka starts to crush 3, “If I destroy you now, there is no future for you. That will end this threat.” He ain’t having this bullcrap.

“Funny thing is, is that, I’m not just right here.”

Marka is getting angrier, “I don’t care.” He says each word like it’s a death verdict with each syllable.

“Neither do I,” replied 3 as the drones started attacking Marka.“Love to stay and chat, but I have business to attend to.”

Marka’s lightsaber and sword slice the drones to scrap metal and slag. He has a hatred for 3 and he makes a beeline for him.

“Toodles!” replied Three as he was beamed elsewhere in the station.

Marka goes to find 3, he will destroy that droid’s very AI chip until it is impossible to salvage.

Eric starts searching for 3 too. “Hey 3! Where are you?”

A screen lowered from the ceiling,“You guys wanna hear my brilliant plan!”

“Oh. Sure.”

“How about no, Wheatly 2.0?” Marka growls.

'You in a mood for testing then?"