Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

Eric looks over to where steam is suddenly emitting. “Does this planet have natural hot springs?”

He hears a dark whispering in his mind coming from very deep in the jungle.

OOC: @Traykar The blast would’ve hit the temple if it was left on its own. World/Area Theme

OOC: The temple is the ground?

OOC: The temple is on the ground but is concealed by the jungle, shooting blindly could set off a Kyber Crystal explosion and those things are really nasty.

IC: The entity pulls a lever and a hanger deck drops below the ground and huge stone slabs close once the platform is out of the way.

Annoyed by this development, 3 started hitting the ground with the butt of his gun.

It finds a really small Kyber Crystal in the ground.

Eric walks over to where the laser was fires, hacking at annoying branches that got in the way.

OOC: No. You don’t get to decide what my character thinks or how he acts.

OOC: Sorry but usually Kyber Crystal + Blaster shot equals really big explosion. Common sense. I fixed it.[quote=“BlackBeltGamer98, post:66, topic:36409, full:true”]
It finds a really small Kyber Crystal in the ground.

3, confused by the find, and not understanding it’s significance, starts hitting a tree with the rock.

Marius follows it, curious.

3 hears the sounds of a mech moving through the forest.

Confused, 3 turns around and chucks the rock at the mech.

It bounces off it’s armor. “Hello.” It says to 3.

After a while he finds a pyramidal building with 4 obelisks. A robed figure with a cane walks toward him. The only thing visible is his 3 clawed hand and his red beard with ringlets just visible. “Hmm, I never thought I would entertain visitors here, in such a forbidden and forgotten place.” An old, raspy voice says. (@Runa)

A ship flies down to the group, hovering above the forest.

OOC: neither of the pairs are in any sort of clearing so good luck finding a landing spot nearby.

“Greetings Mighty Giant, what brings you to these troubled, parts?” Asked 3IQ -7.

OOC: i got it covered.

IC: A skeleton drops out of the ship.

OOC: Which pair is he dropping in by: the mech and IG Lancer or the Manam and old man?