Spacial Reality: Secrets of the Universe

OOC: yo i love megaman

OOC: He’s Runa’s newest character.

OOC: I’m not even in this rp lmao

OOC: Maybe you should join in, not a requirement. I’m just extending an invitation.

OOC: I mean, I signed up, but never joined cuz i was 500 posts late.
and now… heh

OOC: Well, the universe got reset and that does open up for a character to join in, or try again.

OOC: so what’ve I missed?

Hanzo finds his ground.
The simulation returned to normal gravity.

OOC: Did Marka get the message he sent to him?

OOC: Sapphire’s planet was destroyed by orks, Alex was a slave for a metal Alex (Malex), the universe was reset, Hanzo is trapped in a simulation, and I joined.

OOC: ah, k, I’ll join soonish.

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Masdor teleports to where everyone is, he waves

Sar waves back.

Bailey pheonix downed the topic

Celica was playing nearby

Bailey smiled

OOC: you all still on a ship?

OOC: no

OOC: dang it, there goes my first idea to get back in, so you’re on a planet?

OOC: yep

OOC: k, how would the inhabitants (if there are any near you) react to a ship suddenly erupting from the sky or something… Do you guys even still have your ship?