I received a a box today and guess what was in it?
I didn’t even bother building storm beast, all the parts went strait into this.
Comments and criticism are welcome as always.
Expect my UtD, LB and EtMM revamps soon
I received a a box today and guess what was in it?
I didn’t even bother building storm beast, all the parts went strait into this.
This is amazing, the set would have turned out better this way if it was released like this. The arms move a la 2015 gearbox or something else?
You rebel
seriously though, you don’t want to play around with Stormie’s puppet function?
No, it’s basically the same movement as the set If you twist the gear on the back both arms will move like some of the 2015 toa, if you move the gear up or down both arms will move up or down and if you twist the gear while moving it up or down you can move one arm individually up or down
This revamp has the same function just more compact and with more friction
You don’t want to try out the original function to compare?
I already made an exact moc up of it before the set was released so I’ve played with the original function already.
This looks awesome.
If I get SB, I may well make this.
Now this is how the set should’ve been.
Great work!
I like it a lot
Honesty, except for the lower legs, I prefer the original. It seemed more unique, especially function-wise.
###Edited title for capital letters - Umarak_the_amazing1432
Thanks[quote=“Hutere, post:7, topic:25216”]
If I get SB, I may well make this.
If you want more in depth photos to help you make it just ask
Thanks![quote=“nexolo, post:9, topic:25216, full:true”]
I like it a lot
Thank you
I feel like this function is unique, it’s pretty much the same as the original.
I’ll PM you or something once I get SB, thanks.
The upper legs look a little wierd, but I like the look of everything else.
Definitely better than the original, that’s for sure.
110% better.
Needs some back armor, though, but otherwise an improvement!
Really awesome!
If I had to make any change, it’d be in the jointage of the arms.
The single short bone part looks a bit odd.
Even without the function, I just feel he’s missing something from the original.
Time to put up Storm Beast’s theme song (my own personal choise)
if you read my other post on your Lava Beast revamp topic, you probably know what i think you should do with one of your images of Storm Beast.
(Seriously, i want to see your mocs with an enviormental background. something like those Bionicle 2015 photoshop images that where based on the original 2001 Bionicle Box art, which i tried to look for but could not find)
It’s funny how a Moc can be waaaaaaay better than his original, isn’t it?
Looks cool. Something about the arms feel off though.