At this point I’m sure you’ve noticed that Ninjago is absolutely riddled with symbolism, deeper meaning, ETC. So tell me, what are your favorite messages and explain how you’ve interpreted them.
Personally, I’m a big fan of the balance concept. It’s something so applicable real life; a lesson I think we all need to learn. When we rely on something too much, we become weakened; our strength becomes a crutch that can be manipulated and used against us.
Another thing I found interesting was Zane’s rebirth and particularly his dialogue/monologue in Day of the Dragon. Where he proclaims that he isn’t the white ninja, but the titanium ninja.
I’ve seen this interpreted as him being a different person from the original Zane multiple times, but I personally believe it means something similar, but not that exactly. I dare say that Zane is the same Zane that we’ve known since the beginning of the show, but not exactly. You see, people are changed by their experiences. As life goes along we become different people both physically and mentally. That’s what I think happened to Zane.
The white ninja didn’t know how it feels to die. Zane is no longer the white ninja because he does know how it feels to die. He’s changed as a person because his experiences have influenced him. He, like everyone else, has been through a long journey. Perhaps it’s worn him down or perhaps it’s made him stronger. Either way, he is not the same person who took the first step. Since then he’s fought countless battles, saved countless lives, been beaten, caged, tortured, replicated, sent into space and come back as the rocket’s fuel. He came face to face with the embodiment of darkness itself and sacrificed his own life stop it from ruining the world.
Zane is not a replica. Zane is more than that; he’s the culmination of his experiences.
To further the message, I recall Nya making a remark about how while Zane has changed, so has everyone else. It’s not just about Zane; it’s about everyone. We’ve all undergone our own changes as people. For better or worse, we simply aren’t the same people as we once were. And that, I dare say, is the message behind Zane’s revival.
So what messages in ninjago have stuck out to you?