Takanuva, Metru of Light

So for my Bionicle story continuation, I really wanted Takanuva back. After lots of thinking we came with an idea to make him the 7th Toa Metru.
And here he is:

Of course I had to compare him with what he is based off and try out the transparent glittery mask.

I am not really happy with his weapon, but it’s the best I could do without making it too oversized. Anyways, I hope you like him and let me know if you have any feedback!


I like him, though the hands are too small.

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Looks pretty nice in color

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The contrast between the golden mask and the other gold on the body isn’t very good.

One of the beauties of the classic Takanuva was his gold distribution. I feel it isn’t achieved well enough here. IMO only the head, chest, and upper arms should have gold. The rest should be white. The back armor isn’t very good either.

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The figure has a little too much gold, and while the proportions of the torso and arms are good, the legs are too skinny.

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This looks pretty good.
My only complaints are that the legs are too long, the lower leg looks too smooth and that the dark gold sticks out from the pearl gold.

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I like it except the different hues of gold don’t mix well but there’s not a pearl gold Avohki so I don’t mind too much

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I’ll see if I can change the colors up a bit, will probably change it so he has the same color distribution as the 2008 Takanuva, since the Unity pieces don’t exist in white (sadly).
I can also look at the legs and make them a little shorter, because I also think they’re a little too long.
About the mask, yes I know it sticks out but getting a pearl gold Avohkii is nearly impossible, or I paint it. But finding a color that looks like the pearl gold is not easy either so I rather keep it like this.
Thanks for the feedback so far!

So I changed a few things:


Despite the shades being off (understandably), the Avohkii looks right at home with the Chima chestplate.