Tea Dragon

This is fan. Freaking. Tastic.

Nah the stand is pretty sturdy. I have to be a bit careful sometimes with the tail to make sure it doesn’t collapse under the weight of the tea-set bit it’s usually not an issue, still fairly stable.

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As a big fan of both dragons and tea, i give my stamp of approval 100 times over

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So great to see this one in person at Brickfair this year!

I want this guy to be my friend

Amazing moc with great shaping

Sensei Wu: Heavy breathing


It was great seeing this in person, magnificent shaping all around!


It’s very hard to unsee Gresh.


The whole dragon head is just Gresh’s obscenely exaggerated neck.

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what’s the part used in the neck?

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and here we have some God-tier mocing.

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Some kind of technic mudguard piece. Came in a few power miners sets.

I just now realized it had limbs.

There’s a bit of charm lost when I saw that.

Still really great though.

Hot dang dude, this is amazing!

^don’t know what that means other that it was my exclamation of awesome over this creation.

This MOC totally deserves 2 more likes. Also that fresh piece as a nose is just perfect.