Tell Me About Your Dreams

This fact interests me


alright, you want to her a weird one, last night I had a dream I was playing halo, I went and looked at myself in the mirror and I had really long hairs sticking out of my face and I just went “hmph” I went into my living room and 3 of my friends were there, we started talking about something I don’t remember and all of a sudden Bonnie (from 5 nights at freddy’s) walks in, goes to my pantry, and asks “hey guys is it cool if I eat these cheeze its?” and we just went “Yeah” and he left then the dream ended. I really don’t know what it means


You guys wanna know about my dreams? Kay…

This morning I had a dream about getting all the Nicktoons crossover games

Another time I dreamed I got sucked into a vent in my apartment

finally when I was several years old and Just finished watching Jurassic Park(I was probably 4 or 5) I dreamt I was in a shark cage underwater surrounded by aquatic velociraptors before waking up with a cold sweat in the night

By the way I think this should be moved into community or other but whatever…


In one dream, some kid named Justin and I encountered Karzahni in the pasture. For some reason, he was nice to me, but mean to everyone else, including Justin. Karzahni had a giant robot in my dream. Justin discovered a hole in the robot’s defenses.

Another time, I dreamed I was playing games at the fair, and all the prizes were Bionicle toys. I won Tanma, Solek, and Photok.

Once I even dreamed in my dream. To avoid confusion, everything in the rest of this paragraph is my dream. I discovered the Mask of Life in my bedroom–not the toy, but the real thing. I kept it a secret. Then that night, in my dream, Gorast took the mask from me. When I woke up, the mask was gone. I worried all day. The next night, I tried to get the mask back. I managed to get the mask back. However, the next night in my dream, Gorast tried to take it away again, and it fell into the ocean. I dove down after it. Gorast didn’t, for some reason. I followed the mask down to Mahri Nui. I got stuck between two logs.

One time, I dreamed I was in the middle of the desert, hammering nails into a board on a pair of sawhorses.

Once I dreamed that I was on BionicleSector01, reading The Yesterday Quest, but in my dream, Gaaki was in the story, and the story was on the BionicleSector01 homepage.

In one dream, I got the titan Mata Nui set, only a Woody figurine was in the box.


once i dreamed i lived in a giant tower alone. i was wacthing tv, and then i went outside to play with my friends. when i got outside, i saw them building a giant spaceship. then beast boy and cyborg from teen titans go came out of nowhere and said “its about time you got here!” and we all started building the spaceship again. then a giant spaceship came out of nowhere and a speaker said “this is the illuminati. we have come to kill you” then it started shooting at us. then we all got axes and attacked it. then another speaker said “self destruct in 10,9,8,7,6…”
and then i woke up


Had the WEIRDEST dream last night.

Here I was, mindin my own buisness, tanning on the beach, when I see this fineee chick in the distance, Go up to her, and talk. Says she has a house on the coast near here, buts been having some domestic issues. I decide to do what any gentlemen would do, and help her out. We take her boat out to the house, turns out her whole family is like drowning. “■■■■” I take out some gears n ■■■■ and eventually it all works itself out. Everyone’s ok! yay. All of a sudden, GIANT LIZARD. starts wreckin crap. Robot like twice my height starts fighting the giant lizard. Be some Pacific Rim ■■■■. Lizard is gone, and i’m the hero of the village somehow. k.

Wake up, there was no dream. It was the first 10 minutes of MNOG the whole time!!


@Indigogeek: Language, my good sir.

Guess this is as good a time to point out that I can often remember one frame from a dream… like how right now I am remembering a treetop village under a blue sky with primary colored objects everywhere. Oldest dream I recall I remember 2 frames from… one was a concert hall and one was a couple people together in a lobby singing. Or something.


In one dream i had Around two or three years ago i dreamt that i was in a nature documentary about striped chanterelles.

In another one i dreamt that i was sorting lego.

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I dreamt last night that the new Bionicle sets were in a store, but for some reason they had a few “leftover” of the 2006-10 sets. And so I decided to grab Hahli Mahri but for some reason she was in a cardboard box. (Which the Mahri were, but it was different/had no plastic. Ugh, I did hate the Mahri packaging. Anyway.) Then for some reason they had the Toa and new sets of the Matoran, except they were wearing Red for some reason? And I got Tahu and Jaller. And they were both yellow and red. And Tahu looked
kind of like Stars Tahu with more articulation.


I had a dream last night that I got Onua: Master of Earth (I was only given the chance to get one out of the six Toa)… but it was a prelim version or something. I knew something was wrong with his build.

Then there was something involving sleep, carpooling, elves, ice, and destroying towers or something. All I remember was Onua, which is probably how it should be.


you must have been having dreams about Chima ending

oh sweet sweet glorious day


No Chima characters were in sight. Pity.

It was the Elves destroying the towers. Like Pikmin.


I believe this comes from the fact that our REM (rapid eye movement, the period of sleep where we have most dreams) cycles typically end somewhere within 4-6 hours of falling asleep, depending on the person, before starting up again. If you wake up during or after the REM, you’re very likely to remember the dream.


I… wha??? Were you actually Pridak, or were you sort’ve viewing it from 3rd person/above view? If ‘yes’ to my previous question, did it feel weird to be a biomechanical shark-mutant?

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Oh my god, how have I not posted here yet?

Anyways, fair warning, the majority of my dreams are nightmares. In fact, decent dreams where I don’t die are practically one in a few hundred. Anyways, here are some of my most vivid ones I still remember.

When I was six my family had just gotten prisoner of azkaban on DVD. I hated the dementors to karzhani and back. So naturally, I began to dream.

I wake up in my bedroom, the lights are a strange greenish blue. It’s night time, and there’s a mysterious blue paint can on my fan. I wait there for what seems like hours, realizing the can is ticking. Like a bomb. The room starts to get very cold, and that creepy black, gnarled hand stretches from my door. The dementor comes in as slow as conceivably possible and doing its little happiness-sucking thing. Luckily, I have a knife and I basically stab it in the throat, running out of my bedroom. The moment I’m out, the blue paint can explodes and covers my room in a baby blue, with the dementor screaming and smoking with the blue stuff on it. I quickly run to my parent’s room, and fling the door open. Guess what movie they’re watching? Harry Potter 3. I yell “Get out of there!” and then the dream goes in slow motion. The pain can explodes and covers the room again. my parents are screaming and burning while I’m just standing there, covered in the stuff, and slowly feeling my skin melt away. Yop.

Second dream, not as long I swear. I had this one when I was three. We had this inflatable white rocking horse in the basement (Along with a bunch of other toys) that I really didn’t like.

I wake up in my room (I see a theme here…) and I hear noises coming from the backyard. Curious little bugger I am, I go up to my window and look out. There, in plain view, was the horse. Behind it in a straight row, were a bunch of other sinister-looking toys. The rocking horse began to rock back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. For some reason I’m outside now, and I’m being chased by all the toys. They catch me and I’m left with a picture of the sky being slowly cut off by toys piling on top of me.

I had this one dream when I was eight.

I was at my school, it was recess. Suddenly, the field began oozing lava. Some of the kids I hated ended up dying in it… hehehe… anyway, everyone started running towards the main building. Then lava started coming from the cracks in the concrete and stuff and filling up the playground. So, me and my friends had these weird jetpacks that had wings on them and we went around the playground saving the slow and dumb kids. Eventually, we all got inside the building (Which was somehow lava-proof) and then we saw this weird blue figure cross the hallway. Well, the entire school ran down to the gym, led by me and my friends, and just before we got there, the blue figure was standing there. It had red bug eyes, an insect-like mouth, and three fingers on each hand that were actually mostly claw. (referenced from now on as “the alien”) It attacked me and my friends so we started fighting it. Of course, my other schoolmates were too scared to help. One by one, the alien killed off my friends (in pretty gruesome ways) leaving me alone. It kicked me in the chest, and then decapitated me with it’s claws. I was alive for a good few minutes watching the alien murder the rest of the school.

I also had this one at age eight.

I was climbing on the roof of my house (Which for some reason was lined with sod and flowers) and I accidentally slipped and started falling down. I was headed right for my neighbor’s fence, so I decided I would jump off that, like a springboard once I hit it. Wrong. The fence opened up in the middle, splitting the ground and revealing the fact that we were actually floating above a wind farm. Screwed I am. I fall forever until I hit one of those turbines and get separated by the abdomen. I was alive long enough to hit the ground, and feel it.

Alright, those are all kinda depressing, so I’ll tell you one of my very few good dreams. This one I actually had like a month ago.

It started in my room and was extremely normal. I woke up, got breakfast, and sat at my computer chatting on skype with our friendly Cliffhorse Club. The doorbell rings and I go down to answer it. To my surprise, it’s a good friend of mine I haven’t seen in like six months. For some reason, we’re now hiking in Colorado National Park. We’re just talking about stuff and being friends. It went on like this until I was rudely awakened by my father. One of the best dreams I’ve ever had, although that’s not saying much…


It was in 1st person, though I have had some dreams in 3rd before. It felt really normal, just like my usual dream-self. My different identity was more in a story context/feeling kind of way, if that makes sense.

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Whenever I read this title, I think of therapy…

It is kinda weird though. I cannot remember any of the dreams I have had of late.


I once had a dream where I went to my local Target, and found that the isles were lined with an amazing new sci-fi line from Lego. It was brilliant. I bought the biggest set and took it home. Opening the box, I found that it contained only a minifigure version of Rick Astley.


I dreamed recently that I found and bought a few Protector sets.

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Yeah, I know that feeling.

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