The CCBS Topic

Ahem , here we go.

I’m pretty sure you’re getting “chest” confused with “hips”.

Uh, no. :stuck_out_tongue:

This piece irks me to no end. It’s extremely similar to the one used on the Vahki/Rahkshi, but still different.

This one’s a bit better, but it’s an incredibly weird shape that’s hard to make look good in most situations.

Sorry, what?

I don’t want to sound in any way confrontational with this. I’m just annoyed when people say old BIONICLE builds were “fresh” and “new” every year even though, IMO, the designers cheated a bit.


I completely agree!


No, I mean the chest piece. It was use on Mutran, Mahri Kongu, Mata Nui…

Oh you’re talking about the chest armour :stuck_out_tongue:


Or pec armour. :stuck_out_tongue:


lowers firearm slowly


Okay, so, before two hours ago, I’d’ve insisted that the old system ( @legomaster1378 would it be right to call it the Technic system?) was inarguably better. Two hours ago, though, I built a really cool Moc using exclusively CCBS.

so, revised thoughts: CCBS is good for making large mocs, the old system is good for small details like pistons, and a combination of both is the best route to go.


Most agreed. All of my MOCs are a mix of both.


“BIONICLE” parts are definitely designed to be integrated with TECHNIC. But so is CCBS. However, I don’t see BIONICLE as a true “system”. TECHNIC and CCBS are pretty much self sufficient. BIONICLE G1’s “builds” are not.

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Okay I’ve read the other comments especially yours and I have one question how r u gonna make a spider without technic explain I’m dying to know @legomaster1378 @Greencapps acullay I had hero factory and the full winter wave of bionicle even loss @SonOfFireSpirits21 it’s not just the inika BUILD!!!my god its technic no one thinks what’s better a 1 piece of solid plastic that can’t be ajusted but what’s this the inika build can be ajusted no way bit wait there’s more people want a universal building system nothing bland about that (sarcasm) inika build ONLY FOR HUMINIOD BEINGINGS not for animals ok because the bohrok were Spica and rahkshi and visorak now I dare you to make a bohrok out of “CCBS” the universal human creature system but ok give me a reason to just keep talking

have you ever bought any CCBS set like at all! The system is meant to be versatile you can build almost anything at all with it


I dunno about you, but the Inika build, y’see, was simply TWO HUNKS OF DARNED PLASTIC! CCBS, is actually quite versatile, in fact. Try making this creation out of your beloved “Inika build”, Matoro. Besides, the only build I can think of right off of the top of my head that was good was the Metru Build, and even then it was almost entirely useless for any other Mocs.
Granted, there are some incredible MoCs like this here, but then again, the majority of that winning MoC used a LOT of CCBS. Also, imagine those unfortunate souls that draw Bionicle, yet don’t have any sets. I, for instance, had to go online to get a lot of my drawing done.
Yeah, sorry @Studentscissors, I kinda stole a bit of your point…


I don’t recall if I’ve posted here previously, but I figured I’d share my thoughts whether it be the first time or a repeat.

I like both systems. CCBS has durability, playability, good proportions, and piece use frequency on its side. (If your moc needs some fifty black three-unit shells, you’re good to go.) Technic had the detailed aesthetic and a generally more versatile range of uses per piece, excluding the torsos, in its favor.

So if you take either system by its pieces alone, they’re great, and mixing them together brings even better results. The problem comes with the “canister” sets for each, which honestly were never really all that great - I personally opine that the Slizers line made the best use of an eleven-piece-or-less torso build.

Basically, my personal opinion is that it isn’t until you get into Titan-size sets that you really get to see any system truly shine; CCBS has Witch Doctor, the Inika Build has Brutaka, and Constraction-Technic has Roodaka. Even then, MOCs will probably always use Lego pieces better than LEGO themselves do, at least as far as Constraction is concerned.


You’ve just summed up everything.

Lego is limited to making affordable sets.
Moccers are limited only by their own imagination.


@Toa_Matoro, I’m really not sure what point you’re trying to make. The way I see it, you’re saying that the Bohrok, Rahkshi and Inika are all one system. I’m sorry, but that’s WAY to general IMO. You might as well say that everything released by LEGO is “one system” since pretty much every piece is in some way compatible with another.


Sorry man. People have already done that.


Show me one CCBS Bohrok that uses little technic.

This is the closest I’ve seen. But the head is all technic, and I doubt it can go into a ball.

No people have made legit CCBS Bohrok. Not just an LDD model.

I found this one on google

looks pretty good imo.


looks good. It even looks like it could roll

Okay, I concede this point.

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