The Crius Colony: Sign ups

I can see that.
I can picture Wryn dangling off a building working on something, while Felix is holding the cable.

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Also do you mean quiet?

Yes. Yes I do.

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You might want to use the correct spelling, otherwise itā€™s a little strange, but hilarious.

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I changed it.

I was tired when I wrote it.
And still am now, but now Iā€™m tired and correct!

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Just tweaked the description is this better?

Yeah thatā€™s good. Thanks


one month later

Name: James Gordon
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Age: 31
Occupation: Armed guard
Appearance: James is a scarecrow of a man: tall, lanky, gaunt, and thin to the point that any clothing he wears seems to hang off of him. He keeps his sandy brown hair cut fairly short, and has grey eyes. He often wears the grey bodysuit that goes under his space suit, even in situations where he has little reason to expect heā€™ll need it. This is often paired with a black jacket.
Equipment: His kit includes a small pistol he wears at all times, a larger semi-automatic pistol of higher caliber, a combat knife, and a stun baton.
Notable Skills: Heā€™s quite the quick-witted fellow, with a fondness for wordplay and more brains than one might expect. As his occupation might suggest, he has experience with firearms and in hand-to-hand combat.
Personality: James is sarcastic, irreverent, and apathetic, things which become obvious quite quickly upon meeting him. He does have his serious moments, though there seems to be an inverse relationship between how serious the situation is and how serious he acts.
Bio: He doesnā€™t like to talk about his past. That is, unless you take his contradictory stories about being a royal heir in hiding to be true. His accent, however, would suggest that heā€™s from North America, and his great efforts to hide his past imply it to be either quite tragic or quite boring.

Name: Katelyn Brown, goes by Kate
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Age: 21
Occupation: Investigative journalist
Appearance: Katelyn is rather nondescript, for the most part, with her face, build, and height doing little to stand out from the crowd. Her main defining feature would be her reddish-brown hair, which she wears in a simple ponytail.
Equipment: A personal communicator and portable computer, both of newer and more reliable models, and a can of mace-equivalent.
Notable Skills: Memory, negotiation, research, avoiding people.
Personality: An eternally curious soul, Katelyn has a tendency to stick her nose into everything - especially things she isnā€™t supposed to know. Aside from that sheā€™s a fairly easy-going person, always willing to get along with people who are willing to put up with her. She has an inherent distrust of authority figures.
Bio: Katelyn was a precocious child, always eager to know more. Her curiosity had a tendency to get her into trouble, earning her a reputation among her classmates. She soon found that her habits lent themselves perfectly to investigative journalism, however, and spent much of her teen years gaining whatever experience she could in the field. It was once again her curiosity that lead her to joining the Crius expedition, as she figured someone would be necessary to record anything of note that happened on the journey.

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Iā€™m getting mixed signals here, which Batman character is he? :stuck_out_tongue:



Is this stillā€¦a thing?

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I know I want it to be a thing.

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I keep bothering him about it. We must keep up the crusade. :stuck_out_tongue:


Is it a thing

So an update, since Megs is on a temporary hiatus:

Omega Tahu is busy with irl stuff this week, but has said that heā€™ll be back around and might start it next week. Or maybe he wonā€™t, in which case: itā€™s dead, Jim. :stuck_out_tongue:

I showed him this post and he said ā€˜yeā€™; I have the OT stamp of approval


Iā€™ve continued to push this sorta to the back of my mind, but since it seems that everyone else wants it to be a thing Iā€™m definitely going to try to start it soon. At the moment I donā€™t have ready access to my laptop, but Iā€™m going to be fleshing out ideas and will try to start it this weekend or early next week