We have failed as a species.
We made…
the emoji movie.
Let’s go over it.
The movie, is, I quote:
“a knock-off combination of Wreck-It Ralph and Inside Out. Yes, the emojis inside your phone come to life and live in their own secret world inside your phone’s text application.”
Later, it says:
“The heroes in this story must leave the safety of their home and go to the world of the wallpaper, basically the phone’s desktop. In the world of the wallpaper, all the app icons exist as massive floating cubes, each containing their own world.”
When shown the concept art, the site then said:
“We were shown concept art of the hero emoji characters taking a boat trip in a music app. The concept art didn’t look too promising.”
Crossovers from other apps were said to be included in the movie. The emojis are reported as going to Spotify, Angry Birds, and possibly a slew of other apps.
Movies have changed.
It’s not about art, 3-dimensional characters, or solid plots. It’s an endless series of horrible attempts at getting a quick buck, made by corporate businessmen and shameful directors. Movies, and their consumption of time and money, not to mention their inexplicable level of flaws, have become a well-oiled machine.
Movies have changed.
ID tagged criitics watch ID tagged movies, write ID tagged reviews. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their critique. Rage control. Sensibility control. Nausea control. Theater control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control.
Movies have changed.
The age of art has become the age of pandering. All in the name of averting catastrophe from bankruptcy.
And he who controls the theaters, controls the crowd.
Movies have changed.
When the theaters are under total control, movies… become routine.
Alright, I can understand some of the reasoning behind this. Seeing the success of Wreck it Ralph and the “popularity” of emojis, somebody put 2 and 2 together and thought they could make some decent story taking place inside the phone, which in all honesty is an interesting idea because these devices now encompasses a major part of our lives.
But this? This is pathetic.
What made Wreck it Ralph work was that the base material is known to already have characters and worlds. That’s basic game stuff. Emojis do not stand for characters, they’re symbols for communication. They are literally faces based around one expression.
Honestly I want to see how this movie does, because when it tanks I have to wonder how spectacular it could be.
Corporate Businessman: “I want money”
Film Producer: “Yo let’s make a movie”
Corporate Businessman: “But what will it be about?”
Film Producer: “Something hip with the kids”
Corporate Businessman: “Will it be dated in a couple years?”
Film Producer: “Yes”
Corporate Businessman: sips coffee “Brilliant”
-Accurate representation of how most movies nowadays begin
[quote=“Stoax, post:15, topic:21666, full:true”]
I don’t get it, why do emojis, of all things, deserve a MOVIE? Who though this was a good idea?
But the LEGO movie not only worked as a story because of the many worlds it had and the way LEGO executed the characters themselves, but it also worked as a lesson to be creative and explore your creative boundries.
This movie is going to be about emojis traveling through things like Spotify.