The Food Topic

Cheddar cheese is divine. This is gospel.


Indian food destroys everything else. Period.

Well maybe thatā€™s just because Iā€™m an Indian myself :stuck_out_tongue:

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Indian food is top tier (Iā€™m not indian though)

It destroys your bowels, you mean?

I havenā€™t had much Indian food, but thereā€™s no way it can top the rest of Asia.

you fools

obviously tree bark and dirt clods are the most supreme form of nutrition

No, blood is :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think itā€™s water.

I never understood why lima beans are so hated. I think theyā€™re pretty good.


Hi yes I am a human being and I consume food to obtain energy to do menial tasks.

Whatā€™s the best food group my fellow humans?

the combinations

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You called?

Pizza, obviously.

Same sis, food just hits different.

more like LAME-a beans.

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Growing up, my mom would try to grow veggies as often as she could in the garden. I would periodically eat things straight from the plant and I attribute my current appreciation for veggies to that experience. Earth does it best

However I once was eating what I believed to be beans, and of course eating the pods with em, but later discovered they were seed pods for a Wisteria vine

ā€œWisteria seed pods contain lectin and glycoside. These two elements are so toxic that they can lead to fatalities. The whole plant might contain these two products. But the seed pods contain these two toxic elements in the highest amount.ā€


Anyway I ate a whole pod of em, not sure how much it takes to kill the average human but I was totally fine

What non-foods have you mistaken for food? And what were the consequences?

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Well, I have no memory of this, but according to my parents, I once tried to eat earthworms when I was very young. Apparently, Iā€™d already become quite fond of gummy worms and must have assumed the live ones had a similar taste (that or I just couldnā€™t tell the difference).
There werenā€™t any consequences, since my folks stopped me before I actually put them in my mouth, fortunately.


Oh man, good on your folks. I knew a kid that would do that all the time, just to get a reaction. It made me sick lol.

Gummy worms, on the other hand- thatā€™s something I havenā€™t touched in a while. Kinda craving them now.

Iā€™ve been milking a sleeve of Necco Wafers I nabbed at a Cracker Barrel and itā€™s bringing my youth back to me


A few months ago I drank some dirty oily sink water, thinking it was some lime juice that I had made. The consequences were laughter from my brother.

More like good time-a beans :sunglasses:

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Wait how did you accidentally drink sink water

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