The In-Between (RP Topic)

She felt it wiggle and warm when she did.

OOC What are we doing?

Ooc- no idea but we should probably tone it down a bit or timeskip :joy:

OOC Yeah. We should. This isn’t love potion induced Ideruba and Sara.

IC LTV puts back on his helmet and lies down.

Ooc- *intense shuddering so…so many…timeskips

Ic- Kumu sits on the bed, pulling out a ds she had obtained through magic 4th wall reasons

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LTV pulls her with him “Can’t you just savor the moment with me?”

OOC Ship ruined by another.

Kumu puts the ds up “don’t see why not” she smiles

Ooc- just thought of the perfect song to fit Bailey’s love life :joy:

He wraps an arm around her. He teases “Don’t try anything with me okay?”

“no promises” she jokes "but yeah I won’t try anything if that’s what you want "

LTV “Nah. I gotta research our respective anatomies.”

“ok” she grins

LTV pulls her close “Good night Kumu.” He holds her tightly.

“night LTV” she falls asleep hugging him

Echo stands up, eyes still dialated “I am so f**king high right now”

Ooc- dbza references are the best

LTV tips his helmet up and kisses her one last time and falls asleep

OOC Wait. Are we gonna even sleep?

Ooc- I’m not, just going with the flow of the rp

Ic- Kumu kisses him back and attempts falling asleep

LTV massages her back with a hand.

OOC Shrug

Kumu smiles warmly

Echo had been saying off the wall stuff for the past hour, he just…stands there, in the middle of the room

LTV “Wonder what Echo would do if he caught us…”

“eh he probably wouldnt care, he’s a good guy. A bit demented, but still”

LTV “It doesn’t matter. I love you.” He decides to use his krana power to read her thoughts.

Kumu gets extremely red at that.

Ooc- am I supposed to type her thoughts😂