The In-Between (RP Topic)

Blaze takes a few guns and clips and eats up, he also tends his own wounds.

Jallak walks in and grabs medical supplies for two "I’m sorry I couldn’t fight " he says

Eric grabs a new sword, repairs his shatter scythe, and grabs a rifle, two pistols, and multiple ammo clips. Armin similarly decks himself out. Eric gestures for Armin and an Okotoan to come over, and they start carrying a cannon and supplies to fire said cannon south.

Scorpio just grabs food and water, and starts eating

Blaze also gets a sword, like his other one.

OOC: I’ll let you guys get the second control point on the way south, is that fine?

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Keya tends to Hitora’s leg, then his arm. “It’ll be fine enough to walk in a few hours. 'Till then, stay here, alright?”

Hitora nods.

OOC: It’s basically that then the cannon blockade, right?

IC: Eric and Armin exit the forest quickly, showing how little progress they actually made.

OOC: Yes

Scorpio spits out Tribabot (prism) "Almost forgot about you, my bad "

Tribabot sighs

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IC: Eric, Armin, and the Okotoan carry the cannon and firing supplies south, towards the cannon blockade.

The Commander sat in his base, and contemplated his next move.

Blaze goes to the point with a few Okotan to capture it.

The are stopped by several Wolfen, who opened fire.

Eric didn’t care what the commander contemplated, and continues carrying the cannon with Armin and the Okotoan.

Blaze gets cover and shoots back. Making every shot count.

Several wolfen opened fire on the trio.

"Jallak take care of Tribabot " says Scorpio as he runs to help out blaze

“Open fire, cap that point and eliminate the Wolfen!” Blaze takes temporary command as he is one of the group and is at least in safety.

They dropped the cannon, and Eric pulled out his scythe to deflect bullets. Armin and the Okotoan return fire, slowly retreating behind a hill.