The Legend of the BIONICLE: Celebrating 20 years of Lego stories

You could make the exact same argument for Bionicle. And our nostalgic fanbase is much smaller. It’s boring and predictable, but past experience has shown us that this works, regardless of what we think about it.


I’m… not sure. My only guess besides simple bad judgement is that Lego has their own project in the works. (which I highly doubt)


Bionicle’s already something a lot of AFOLs have interest in, though. Clearly, it’s more relevant to them than Seinfeld because Seinfeld wasn’t the fastest-growing submission since the original Minecraft set.

Even then, wouldn’t this set help Lego in that regard by hyping up the fanbase and drawing attention to the line ahead of time? And G3’s gonna be years down the road if it happens, so how would this one set harm the line?


If anything, process of elimination.

Zelda, they arguably have something in the works for if their recent partnership with Nintendo is any indication.

Futurama is pretty adult-oriented, you could argue even more so than the Simpsons, which already raised some eyebrows.

Ratatouille… I guess they thought was too big? I have no idea with that one. It’s a popular IP, the set looks gorgeous, they’ve done work with Disney before. This one is the real headscratcher for me.

Typewriter is fixable, and has mass appeal, aquarium was a likely candidate for similar reasons.

Home Alone is definitely a shocker too. As people have said, that’s a huge set. Surely something smaller and based around the traps more would sell better. Regardless, it’s Home Alone, it will sell.

Seinfeld goes without saying.

What really put it in perspective for me was how rare the guesses and voices crying for Bionicle actually were on Lego ideas itself. Sure, in our little echo chamber, it’s what everyone wants, who wouldn’t want this?

But you have to realise the sheer amount of work we put into getting it across the line. We had to fight for our spot, where a lot of these sets clearly breezed through without much difficulty whatsoever purely by how recognisable they are (Zelda ALREADY has another set in the next review period for crying out loud). Doesn’t that tell you something? Passionate buyers =/= many buyers, and at the end of the day, that’s what a company cares about, like it or not.


But if this submission grew as fast as it did, how does that not indicate many buyers? We put work into it, sure, but it took one month for that work to pay off, and given how easy it was for us to get there, I should think that means that there is not only passionate but easy-to-find support.


Well, at least we had a chance. The type writer is the only thing that looks interesting. I mean come on, the sets the passed down on looked amazing compared to the ones they chose.


Yeah, my wallet’s thankful for this, while lego continues to demonstrate why the only one of their products that can hold my attention is Star Wars.


well, I guess this means my money can go back into my x wing miniatures collection…

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I don’t know about easy. I think there was definitely doubt that we would even manage it, and a decent chunk of voters weren’t even people who liked Bionicle, they were just voting on the behalf of a guy who did who happened to have a fanbase on YouTube. I know for sure that I got people who would never actually buy the set to vote when I was spreading it around. We were calling in all our favours, pulling out all our stops, because we wanted to believe in this. We had a target again and we wanted to make it real. So we fought and clawed our way to the top, regardless of how relatively puny we actually are in the wake of something of such mass appeal as Home Alone or Seinfeld though yes, I do agree that the sets kinda suck :stuck_out_tongue:


What he said.

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Some were saying that Bionicle should have been chosen. But I also saw one guy in the comments say that Bionicle was an “easy no and a pass up” while another said that since it was an existing IP it was a no. So yeah…


I agree with what was said, but I’m still disappointed.


I personally am not as upset about not getting approved as much as I am about the sets that got chosen over the Bionicle one.


great drawing


I like to think of myself as an optimist (which rarely ever is true), but this situation does not deserve sugarcoating.

I am severely disappointed.

I am going to do my best to avoid a rant, but I totally feel like making one for each of these sets that were chosen over Sokoda’s. I don’t think any of them really deserve to become sets over the others, except maybe Home Alone.

Typewriter is a typewriter. You click buttons, it does a thing a normal typewriter does, without the ink. I don’t see the appeal, honestly, unless you really like LEGO and typewriters and have always wanted a combination. Sounds like a slim crowd to me. I mean, aren’t we already getting a working piano set? They feel depressingly similar to me.

Seinfeld I am also confused by. I’m not super upset about it when not comparing it to Bionicle, but I can’t imagine its fans (while being many, I’m certain) are that involved with LEGO. I don’t see this set selling well. What makes me more confused is that we now have this, Friends, and Big Bang Theory, three immensely popular sitcoms, and yet the Office has been denied, what? Twice now? Come on, I just want to pave the way to my Parks and Rec and Community sets…

Home Alone, I am actually fine with. Maybe they’ll release it by wintertime, meaning it will make more appropriate. I haven’t actually looked too deeply at the set, but I’m a fan of the movie.


*s… movieS


I guess a lot of these votes came from TTV (us) and Oboeshoes. I don’t know how the other submitions got attention.
When I read the articles of the German AFOL-sites about the beginning of the result stage, there were a lot of people who didn’t care for or even know about Bionicle. I would say that was the majority. We just have a fan base, that is strongly linked to Lego, and many dedicated fans in the small community. That is what I think at least.


Nobody is a fan of the movies, just the movie. We don’t talk about the other ones :stuck_out_tongue:


No I love the second one for one reason.

Trump’s in it.


Fair tbh