The "Let's build JtO Makuta" topic

Hey guys, Niek here.I just wanted to say, I am very happy to see how the deconstructed pictures were received, you all did an awesome job figuring it out and putting together your models. Well done! : D

I just wanted to address the statement made that there would be instructions.LEGO currently has no plans to create full building instructions. Just wanted to make sure there would be no misinformation and people waiting for instructions.


Maybe one of us should call up lego customer service and ask them ourselves? A video of the conversation would be nice.


The thing is, this model should not be in any of our systems. It was our (the designer’s) initiative to post the deconstructed pictures.


Wait are you a Lego designer? If so, pleasure to meet you! And great work!

P.S. The Overlord Makuta topic is up if anyone was wondering, I won’t link it as that could be advertising.


Thanks man! Yeah, together with 2 friends/colleagues we created the model used for JTO. All 3 of us are massive fans from back in the G1 days and it has been humbling to work on it.

I just wanted to prevent disappointment from people waiting for building instructions. However, if there is any area in specific people have trouble with, I can try and get some more pictures approved.


Can you please take photos of the “Overlord” Makuta’s construction? Or at least his back? That would mean so much to us, I hope it’s not asking for too much. But either way you guys did a fantastic job with the JtO model, I was so impressed with the size. It’s definitely one of the best combination models ever. But maybe Overlord Makuta photos? Pretty please?


That’s very generous of you, once I get my hands on the last 2 sets I need to start building, I MIGHT ask for clearer photos IF I get stuck.


This answers the instructions rumor (it’s not true).


Yeah man, go ahead. This isn’t really something you need permission for

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I think there’s a conspiracy going on…


Bill Cypher…I knew it! The Shadow Realm was the Nightmare Realm all this time!




I saw the model IRL today, it looks amazing, and I really am excited to make it.

I want to try and build then so I can have it.

@toothdominoes Thank you so much for making this awesome model! I had a great time building it and I’m completely satisfied having it as my collection’s Makuta.

I was wondering if you could tell me whether I assembled the tail part correctly or not. The way I have it is like this with ikirs head on the open balljoint. Is this correct? And if it is, should I be using the trans orange bone piece from tahu instead?

Also if you see anything else wrong I’d love to know. Again thank you for your awesome work!


Will probably skip this version for now and wait for proper instructions - instead will be working on the overlord version on that topic

So its definitely just those 7 sets to build him?

My theory on that is the idea that we were not going to see Makuta in the shadow realm, it would have been Umarak talking to the smoke/crystal/rock instead of to an image of Makuta. Then after he uses the pieces of the MoUP to attempt to release Makuta, we get the JTO version of him.

Then the Toa attempt to defeat him, however in doing so everyone is sucked into the shadow realm. First half of 2017 would be them escaping the shadow realm with the second half being that Makuta escaped also and they have to defeat him using the Mask Of Time.

All those sets plus the MoUP and one extra one of these:

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Thanks for the kind words! I will sure to share them with the others.
The setup you have there is indeed correct! Good job.


Will you be able to share photos of Overlord Makuta? I’m really not trying to be annoying it’s just we are trying to replicate it and seeing photos of the inner construction would really help us out.


I am not sure, I will have to check with project management and see what the implications are. I will try and ask next week.