The "Look What I Just Got!" Topic

This has been a pretty good week, pictured is planet X jupiter AKA FoC optimus prime and a GTX 1080
I am trully broke now


I got stuff that i wanted for ages


This is the only lighting I could get, which means the picture had to be potato quality.

A supermarket was having a clearance on some Lego sets.

I also bought a Pop Vinyl because I’m a sinner.


SH MonsterArts Godzilla 1995 Birth Version. Essentially it’s supposed to be the adult version of Godzilla Jr, seen at the end of Godzilla V Destoroyah


I’m surprisingly more envious of jupiter than the 1080… mainly because my cpu can’t severely bottleneck jupiter :mask:


My transformers tr kickback just came in. Now the G1 insecticon display is complete.

Also behind them you can see my manga collection and my extra mugen pharaoh.


I don’t know why, but I expect it to transform into a robot :stuck_out_tongue:

So I had my 15th birthday party on Saturday, and of course, I got some stuff. As for Saturday, I got the lego buildable Stormtrooper, who is pretty good.

I also got Titans return Laserbeak and Stripes, which I never considered getting, though they are pretty good, but now I’m going to have to get Ravage and Rumble. So there’s that.

I also got a $25 Target giftcard, so guess what I did the next day. I went over there, expecting some good Titans Returns figures, or maybe some decent RID Warriors. But no. I found this.

I swear, this is the most abysmal Transformers toy selection I have ever seen. I was so angry. I also found some bootlegs. I didn’t buy them, but I figured I should document them here.

So I was perfectly content, if not a bit disappointed, walking out with these three guys.

But fear not my friends, for this story has a happy ending. During all of this, my mom was looking around, and when she was looking at some snow stuff, she found this mammoth on clearance.

I absolutely love this thing. I’ve heard a lot of people complain about the coral green and red, but I love it. I also love the sword. Its also my first ever box set, so there’s that. I can’t wait to get home today so I can play with it more.


My transformers section looks about the same (minus a ton of one steps and 3 steps.
For me I like the molds chosen for Victorian but matching colors rarely look good on a combiner. That and rule 63 megatron is a lot more interesting.

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A what?

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Megaempress was build using megatrons spare parts. The toy has very interesting lore behind it.

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Rule 63: The proposition that it is possible to find genderswapped versions of every fictional character, especially as fan arts on the internet.

@Leoxandar lol. I wish…

Edited for Double Post - Waj


Yep. say hello to how my TF section has looked since december.

also, Victorion:


like, how much did ya pay?


$50. I had to make a deal with my mom. There may have been a tiny bit of begging involved. But it was put on clearance, twice. The original price was $100, then it dropped to $70, then I got it for $50.


I know that feeling.

For me, it’s kinda like a loan; i either gotta find the money eventually, or just work the rest of the debt off. all the while, any money i get goes directly to her until the debt is gone.

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Pretty much the same for me, only a bit less strict. I usually just work it off.


oh, i do the same.

it’s just that i still have to be debt-free next time i get something.

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My collection of Star Wars figures is now just Jango Fett and his clones


Me and @ToaKylerak were lucky enough to get three of our most sought-after figs in this series: Bathrobe Batman, Commissioner Gordon, and Red Hood.


Combaticon Interrogator and support fire specialist online!