Time to talk about League of Legends!

I hope they also keep the Dragonblade Riven and the Warring Kingdoms Tyndramere skins Permanent Additions to the Store like the rest of the Lunar Revel skins

They most likely wont, but they likely will return them during the even as buyable skins. Possibly within a year bundle or maybe even individually.

It was just a thought due to Dynamic Queue being down for almost a week (and possibly more) which also stops ranked team mode from being used as well

could we also talk about Champion Concepts here as well?

Ill start playing some ranked when Dynamic Queue comes back online, before that no,I dont want to go through the champ select hell all over again.

What champ concepts were you referring to ?

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fan made ones

Ugh, those rarely matter when it comes to the actual game since most if not all will never see the light of day (even my beautiful Helmet Bro)

I’d like to ask, is there any way to make sure you never get certain people in your game ever? Because I just had a Morgana feed to hell, say everyone else sucks, and build only boots.

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Yes, report every troll like that. It helps to cleanse the game of their filth so that in the end, they do get a permanent ban.

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Thank god everyone can do that now

also I just been noticing that Mordekaiser is now a Marksman even though he is a Melee
why is that?

I’m assuming that happened with his rework? He’s pretty much meant to be a bot lane bully but that is still too weird.

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they just want to make him a ADC but he has

  1. Higher AP than AD (DONT MAKE HIM TEEMO)
  2. Not enough Range that S6 Graves can Hit him from the Shadow Isles
  3. Are making him more of a Solo Laner with the Buff to his W (which I wanted it to happen)
    so this bot lane style approach is just going to act as before Season 1 approach where anybody could be in bot

It almost feels like they wanted to make him a duo laner but now they’re going “um I take it back man”. Like make up your mind rito gaem.

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I see what you mean
Here is a Game I was in
became Level 4 with Ekko

It was Amazing
but no

I’m not sure if any of you are interested in non-Riot League content, but here’s my favorite League video ever made.

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I just Bought Jhin…Before his Q&A
@TeslaEffect did they Screw up since he wont be released yet

Well give or take one week which ether is at the beginning of the month or in the middle of it. You cant really predict that to the tiniest degree. Plus keep in mind we had Lunar Revel going around. For instance Dunkmaster Darius was suppose to have a login scree, but Sion and the Worlds happened which delayed and scrapped that idea.

The first patch when the champion is released is basically the live server equivalent of PBE, so anything can happen to him after it.

Also there is basically no need for his Q&A, Gypsylord did a insightful interview about Jhin already. At worse, all he will is just be repeating all the development and some lore things about him.

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Actaully they just released him on the second week of the patch but might have been a bit earlier to compensate with the bugs surrounding ranked and qeues

Anyway how come the radiant Wukong Vo is not up yet

Some say it is missing or cannot be accessed

Probably bugs. But they will release it eventually.

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I have “PERFECTED” Jhin with my first win as him

He Best Support is Blitz due to getting off easy W’s off

It’s gonna be a long climb, but I’ve made it to my promos for Bronze 4!

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