Toa Minifig Masks

@Folk and @SirKeksalot
If you been reading, it would reveal that I am working on making 3D models of these and will work on making them working when printed once I get them to that point.
I am thinking of starting with Tahu’s and then finish with Gali due to Gali having that one part of the mask which would work like the clone trooper helmet attachments, at least that is how I perceive that it would work.


These look amazing! the only thing that ı don’t like is that the pattern on Tahu looks a bit too irregular on the first and too regular on the second. Also Kopaka’s mask kinda makes him look like he’s sad on his default face. Other than that all of these are great!

I think it would work like the normal minifig helmets, actually you could probably make the visor from This or This.

that kinda crossed my mind(as in the regular visor attachment to the helmet) but thought of going for the clone helmet attachment way because of how small the size of the connection point. Nice point though.

Love the scar on Kopaka’s eye, very nice touch!

Wow. I just love all of these so much.

Are you going to make one for Voriki?

I would totally buy that

Kopaka is 9/10, but with the tribal markings he is 10/10. Great job

Seems interesting. I should try something like that with the Toa Metru. Nice design btw

I call Toa Inika

Good luck with that

These things look AMAZING!

Should I make the Inika first?

Do it. I freaking dare you.

i’m concerned with the thinness of gali’s visor, it feels like it would end up kind of weak.

Possibly, but I would imagine it would be very similar to the ones used in Aqua Raiders and the newer Deep Sea sets

Loving your work thus far!

these are all amazing, but, if this was supossed to be canon, this is how lewa is supossed to look

just a little nitpick I had, but really nice job making these


so I have made some progress on Tahu’s mask and I noticed that how it ia currently it looks like a mustache. Tahu minifig helmet-mask mustache This is just something to show that I am working on these, although I am debating of whether to continue making these masks or finish Tahu’s mask and then move on to try and making the “official” Brickonicle G3 masks/ parts. I honestly like these masks better although the masks TTV has created have grown on me, I honestly think most of these are better, like Gali’s for example

So I looked at the minifigure designs again and they are really growing on me but these masks look like they would be better suited for real-life than TTV’s versions.
I am worried due to cutting off the back part, to use translucent minifigure heads, that much would reduce the structural integrity of the pieces and the attachment point would also be cut off, atleast that is the idea I am getting currently but they haven’t shown the side views yet but I’m hoping they don’t go that route(it is still an interesting idea still to look into though)