Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

OOC: Didn’t stop him before when he snuck in with Predaxus.

OOC: I never said it was a wall

Reblast pointed both of his hand cannons to the fighting bots “you better both stop”

OOC: Huh

OOC: you all just all assumed so

OOC: so now you just have to roll with it

“I can’t let this monster roam free, he’s too dangerous!” Dynamo asserted.

OOC: What are they building then if it ain’t a well

Gray starts to carefully look for any trace of a lab or hangar.

“You brought this upon yourself! You interfered in this ones fight and expected no repercussions!” He screeched, allowing the blow to hit but angling himself so as to use the force to shove him closer to the soldiers.



“Oh why nothing much, perhaps a few Shanix, perhaps just a temporary, contract signed job, perhaps just some transportation to somewhere I wish to go. Nothing much, just a small little thing.~” He replied, a small look of realization crossing his eyes before he said, “Oh, and also for you all to, lets put it simply, carry those items outside without the transports. Who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and return to them here, but most likely not, those scavengers are quite persistent. Nothing to much to agree, correct?~”

Dynamo threw a kick at Asphalt ’ s leg.

OOC: A series of outposts

“THIS ONE WILL FIGHT YOU AFTER THIS ONE HAS DEALT WITH THOSE WHO CAUSED THIS!” Asphalt hissed, barely managing to jump the kick before hitting the ground, staggering slightly before charging the soldiers, his tri-blade spinning rapidly/

They prepared the operating table and tools, the items for the modifications sitting near the tools. “Ready?” The medic asked.

OOC: sorry for the delay, Internet connection went out. Could you handle the negotiations with Savage? I don’t like how the terminology he is using feels like it is leaving things very vague and open to interpretation.

@Ace, so a metaphorical wall.


“Yeah. I’m ready.”

“How long will those troops last against the Decepticons?”

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Gray continues to look for any places of interest.

Dynamo tackled him to the ground.

“Don’t worry, this guy’s one of the best surgeons in all of Vandal.” Bit Brain says as he begins inducing stasis. Once he is out like a light, the medic begins the operation.

(@KAI_BORG). OOC: I’m not sure if there are any pitfalls being made by Savage via his vocabulary.

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Hmm. He begins to salvage as discreetly as possible.

Reblast transforms into car mode and runs over both of them “didn’t you hear?”