Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

OOC: okay, this is officially a coup.

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OOC: and it wasn’t before?

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“What with a lotta people fleeing to territories like this, it’s only normal.”

OOC: I wasn’t 100% sure before but after checking the definition, I am now.

“I understand. I thank you greatly for allowing me to stay the night. I’m sure it must be strange, seeing a bot like me in a situation like this.”

“It’s more cathartic to me.”

“How do you figure that?”
He says as he lays down on the mat Greywalker had played out for him.

He transforms back into a coyote. “You’ve never been to neutral territory, have you?”

OOC: An enternal plane of infinite distance in all directions.its composition and background in a constant state of flux, scenes and colours of indescribable nature appearing around Asphalt as he floated.


“Only when traveling to other nations or the grand temple. But never like this, no.”

“Well, it’s the closest to home that’s on this planet.”

OOC: so, 2001: A Space Odyssey?

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“It certainly isn’t ideal. If I ever come back into power, I’ll have to make some changes to how things are done.”

“That’s a hard ‘if’.” He thinks his next words over and decides to keep them close to his chest instead.

OOC: Yes! But featuring Asphalt! The mentally stunted (possibly purposefully on that front), unstable and partially-homicidal ‘guard’-for-hire!

“As I am aware. While I was not the best leader, I don’t trust Nova leading the autobots…”

“That’s the problem, you bots are so reliable on government. I bet Nova’s got the people wrapped around his finger by now.”

OOC: Where’s some Cybermatter or Ratchet when you need them?

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OOC: can’t stop, won’t stop

“I think he had long before now. I had become so comfortable with letting him handle things. First it was the scientific projects, then the occasional civilian dispute. Before long, I only took care of formalities. I smiled and waved and put my name on whatever he needed to be done. All the while thinking I was in control. I was such a fool…”