Transformers: Salvation

“Delta?” Roadkill asks

Hidden behind their deployable energy shields, the Decepticons are protected. Song, however, had put herself in the path of the corrosive slime launched from the Elite Chem Trooper’s weapon.


“Yes, you piece of scrap metal!”

Zepar gives Gronius the stuff he had gathered, directing SideStep to do the same. (@meepinater)

Gronius took them and waited for them to take cover position.

Sidestep does so.

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Zepar prepares to do so, knowing they’ll likely need to book it as though Unicron was trying to catch them.

The halls outside the derelict’s med-bay was eerily quiet; the shrieking and hurried footfalls of the undead had ceased- likely, most of them were now dead-set on boarding Salvation.

Aboard our Fleetcarrier, the emergency bulkheads begin to give as terrorcons continue to claw at them. Dents begin to appear in the metal as the undead dig their claws into the doors.

“Alert,” Motherboard announces, “containment protocols failing. Terrorcons breaching emergency bulkheads. Alert: hostile Decepticon presence detected in Engineering, hangars thirty and thirty-one, and science labs. Alert: hull integrity falling to ninety-four percent. Port foldspace warhead batteries have sustained severe damage.”

The bridge crew scrambles to direct Salvation’s crew in the frantic battle against both the terrorcon horde and the heretic Decepticons.

“Should’ve recognised the foul stench!” Roadkill growls

Delta yelled and lunged at him, slashing at his neck.

Most of the shots connexred, leaving large obvious scorch marks. Torchwing roared in pain and rage. Reflexively he let out a wave of flames in Banzitron’s direction.

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Banzaitron covers his chest and face yet again, stepping backward until he dropped off the refueling platform, falling to the deck Bellow and landing in a crouch.

“You’re a bit of a pyro, huh?” he observes.

“I’m a dragon for Primus sake. What do you expect!”

Torchwing lept down, trying to pounce on him.

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“Too quiet; don’t like it.” Zepar growled

In response, Banziatron holds out his sword in both hands, aiming to skewer Torchwing as he falls.

Torchwing immediately opens his wings like a parachute to slow his fall. He takes an emergency bank right, crashing and rolling next to Banzitron. He quickly stands back up and growls in frustration.

“You’re begining to annoy me.”

OOC: Should note, while in beast mode his voice is a lot deeper and growl-ish than in robot mode. Kinda like Cybertron Scourge.

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Banzaitron swiftly turns, bringing his weapons to bear. If he could, he would’ve smirked.

“Already?” he quips. “Either you’ve got a short temper, or that’s a new record for me.”

“Oh, you got to be kidding me!” Gronius said, walking past Zepar, holding all of the items. “Let’s use this opportunity while we can!”

Song jumped to safe space to protect from the corrosive slime.

Delta coninued attempting to slash Roadkill at his throat.

Alterion was shooting at the Terrorcons, attempting to go deeper and deeper into their lines.

Roadkill dodges

She quickly spins to him, attempting another slash.