Transformers survival of the lost

The twins’ priorities shifted from “find Energon” to “get back to the Joint Court, get the heck off this planet”.

Surdus was looking around for any way to get to the entrance from the top of the building.

The twins begin to climb outside, onto the back of the spider/fortress.

Surdus saw the twins and decided to follow them.

Seraphicon heard that roar, “I’m not a betting bot but if I were, I be willing to put shanix up on guessing that roar was the big head honcho of this thing we’re all inside of.”

Alpha rolled his eyes, Thank you for stating the obvious. he thought as he tries to find a way to get some useful info about whatever kinds of weapons are on this thing.

Seraphicon thinks for a while_…Wait, if this is all techno-organic weaponry, why not try to figure out their biological (Cybertronian term for Achilles’s Heel)?_

Alpha moved to stop them, “You do realize this thing could be carrying smaller creatures to act as defensive drones, right?” He asks them. (@Chromeharpoon, @Toa_Vladin)

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Surdus thought for a moment.
“Yeah, you are right. What else should we do?”

“Maybe,” Load says. “We can handle 'em.”

“If we have time, I would like for anyone who is a linguist and/or cryptologist to begin work on trying to decipher the text that is being displayed around the structure.”

Seraphicon nods, An artillery 'Bot is giving advice to the Sergeant, will wonders never cease? he thinks. “He has a point. If we know what all this data is displaying, we may learn how best to handle our current situation.” He said.

(@Chromeharpoon). Alpha wasn’t amused, “Like we handled the swarm of scorpions? They may be small but they have literally overwhelming numbers and should be avoided if we want to get off this planet alive.” He said to Load.

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“Okay, so maybe- for once- brute force and superior firepower isn’t the answer,” Load concedes. “What do you have in mind?”

“What if we tried to take control of them?” Lock spitballs. “They’re biomachines, right? Whoever made them must’ve had a way to keep them on a leash.”

Seraphicon shook his head, “I don’t think it’s like remote control drone for younglings, these are techno-organic which means that they use something else entirely from standard electronic signals to communicate.” He said. The whole situation disturbed him but they had to find a way to reapply and get off this planet ASAP without causing unnecessary harm to the planet and its inhabitants.

“Like pheromones, scents, or a hive mind” Lock affirms. “That’s what I was getting at.”

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Seraphicon nods, “but unlike what we are used to, these operate via some kind of organic link in regards to what you just said; that’s a huge roadblock we need to work around.” He said.

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“Right,” Lock agrees.

“A control room won’t do us much good if we can’t read any of this junk,” Load reminds his twin.

“Which is why I requested anyone here with any skill in languages and cryptology to try to figure out what all this stuff is saying.” Alpha said.

“We already tried. Nobody can read them.”
Surdus said, on an unamused tone, with the arms folded.

“I’m afraid I’m not your guy,” Load says.

“Ditto,” Lock affirms.

“You don’t need to know a language to understand what it means.” Alpha said to Surdus. “It’s like reading a diagram; if you know patterns and can find things the images or something of a familiar pattern, you can decipher anything.” Seraphicon said, building on what Alpha stated.

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Surdus tried not to face palm.
“So you suggest to look at the images. Great job! We tried that too. We can’t decipher anything.”
OOC: I am doing this because @Ace said that we can’t understand anything from them, so I expected that the characters already tried to read them.

OOC: (facepalm) Well, I’m not sure if we should just go outside and just clamber around and potentially set off some kind of security measures that will possibly turn everyone into bubbling piles of goop. I just want to make sure things are being done safely, Alpha’s thought process; and somewhat strategically, Seraphicon’s thought process. Know thy enemy; know thyself. A thousand battles; a thousand victories. (Sung Tzu(?) this quote, as far as I know) is likely from Art of War by Tsung Tzu(?))

IC: “Well, Sergeant, what ideas do you have that won’t endanger our safety?” Alpha asked in a patient tone, interested to hear what the guy had to say.

Seraphicon looked at his wings and found them to be a mess from slicing and staving all those scorpions, “I can see why you don’t like organic worlds; they are messy.” He said as he began cleaning them.

“The first think I’ll do is to try to hack in the computer that is connected to those screens and see if I can obtain some informations.”
He said, as he neared the computer.
OOC: Here I may be wrong. If I remember correctly, in the room there were some screens.