Transformers survival of the lost

Surdus was still in his room, looking at his photos from the wall.

Mordo was heading towards the bar.

Lock stands behind the bar, awaiting patrons.

Alpha finishes up the chapter he was on and puts in a bookmark before returning it to its spot on the bookshelf. He gets ready to head out, debating whether he should go the the Shot-gun or get to work.

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“Find anything?” Lock asks his twin.

“Nothing yet. Now’s one of those times when I really wish I had access to those sentry turrets.”

Mordo sat down in front of him.
“Can you give me some regular non-alcoholic Energon?”

Lock nods and does so.

“Where is Load?”
He said, taking the Energon.

“Heyo,” Load greets Moro from a nearby seat.

Mordo quickly turned to face him.
“Oh. Sorry. Didn’t saw you there.”
He said in a cautiously, yet scared tone.

“All good,” Load assures Mordo.

He sighed.
“At our luck, we will be all killed by the murderer or we will be all eaten by a neutron star or something…”

Load chuckles.

“Let’s try to keep our spirits up, shall we?” Lock requests.

“Yeah… Sorry… But how can you be so calm? We are in the dark space of our galaxy!”
Mordo said, intrigued.

“My brother’s an optimistic moron,” Load offers as an explanation. “He looks on the bright side so much that he really can’t comprehend how frakked we all-”

Load’s comments are interrupted by a slap to the back of his head, courtesy of Lock.

Mordo chuckled.
“I guess that it’s only me. I’ve never been in such a situation before. You know? It’s ironic. I used to wish to travel trough space to explore the outer edges of our galaxy and to study the interesting celestial bodies like black holes or pulsars.”
He said, on a nostalgic tone.

“Well, why not make the most of our situation, then?” Lock asks. “There’s not much here to do apart from trying to get home.”

“And find our mysterious assassin,” Load cuts in.

Right. Well, aside from that, you could use all this time to do some of that studying.”

“Well what should I study? I look outside on the window and I don’t see anything other than darkness and some starts in the distance. To study a… pulsar, for example, I need to stay at a safe limit, but close to it!”

Lock shrugs. “I was just spitballing.”

Mordo sighed.
“But anyway, our biggest problem is the murderer. Do you have any hypothesis who he or she would be?”
He said, more on a whispering tone.

Once he was ready to leave, Alpha began walking to the Shot-gun, he looked at the schedule for the artillery maintenance and found he wasn’t needed there, effectively giving him the day off.

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