Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

Giffin would not be that easy to shake off, tho the transformation resulted in him hanging on his dragon head’s maw.

“Some are cleaner than others.” he said, turning to him.

Backbreaker snaps his jaws shut, then, with the intention of crushing Griffin’s hands between his sharp teeth. His secondary heads also bit at the minicon’s legs.

Giffin let himself go when he saw the attacks, falling on the ground.
This whole distraction gave Song enough time for her to once again turn into her robot mode, before quickly and swiftly going for a knife cut at one of Backbreaker’s dragon necks.

Song is able to cut a gash in the neck of one of Backbreaker’s secondary heads, and the Autobot howls as he transforms to robot mode. The gladiator draws his sword and whips it around over his head, before bringing it down in a slash aimed at the dragon-bot.

“Slag!” she said, jumping away and rolling on the ground. “Any idea of where I can get a sword too?”

“Joining a pirate group when there are very few options is hardly the worst or best one can do. Particularly if he never went out of his way to harm someone as he mentioned.”

“Very few options? I am sorry, do you know the context of this kid’s life? You act like you know his entire life story, and try to excuse the fact that he joined a criminal organisation as a result of the Maximal’s bad behaviour. I was one of their victims, yet I never even thought at doing such a bad thing, to break the law in the worst way possible.”

Backbreaker’s sword strikes the ground where Wildsong once stood, digging into the stone. The gladiator wrenches his weapon free and stands upright, turning to face Wildsong.

“Ask nicely, maybe?” he growls through his battle mask, shrugging his shoulders. He spoke loudly, hoping that the quip would give the crowd a laugh (@MaxinePrimal)

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“So funny! Is this how you talked with Megatron when he cleaned the floor of the arena with you?”

“I don’t. I speak only from my own experience with these types. You only become pirate if A) you like killing and thievery, B) you’ve never known any better, or C) it was one of your last options. Now, he doesn’t strike me as option A, though looks can be deceiving, he obviously wasn’t raised to the life, so B’s out, so that leaves C. Not everyone is so lucky as to be able to fight oppressors within the law. Sometimes the only way you can survive is fighting back. So cut the kid some slack, at least until you get to know him, Kapeesh?”

“There is always another way.” Gronius interrupted him halfway through his speech. “There is always a counter towards braking the law, because if there wasn’t every single Predacon would be as bad if not worse than Megatron.”

“And if the law is bad? Or makes it so there is no way to speak up without going outside the law? What would you do then, pray tell?”

“I was there, I was in the same situation, and I became the law. The system is bad, that’s true, it needs reforms, but it is not unbreakable.”

Backbreaker scowls behind his mask. Wildsong may have struck a nerve there.

“Yeah, pretty much,” he deflects his wounded pride, striding toward his opponent. “People always told me my best quality was my sense of humor!”

The gladiator shouts out the last word as he blasts at Wildsong with his cannon, breaking into a sprint.

“That may have been true, but maybe not everyone saw it that way? Not everyone is a visionary you know, nor is everyone a Megatron. Some simply want to get out, whatever is required. If joining a band of scummy pirates is the only way for them to do so, then they’ll do it.”

She tries to jump out of the blast’s way once again, before getting hit square in one of her shoulders, spinning and almost falling to the ground.

“So in an entire world and all of his colonies the only way that one might see to get out of the sphere of hatred created by the Maximals is to join some space pirates, you say?”

“I never said it was, I can’t claim to have been there. The point I’m driving at is that maybe you should give the guy a chance to explain himself before passing judgement. Even if it wasn’t his only way out, what does it matter now? He’s here now, and there’s nothing to be done about it. Do not look to the past, it cannot be changed. Do not look to the future, because none can predict it. Instead, look to the present, and see what he is now, not what he was.”

“Oh, how big of a philosopher you suddenly became. You come here and try to change my view on a pirate like him. From experience I am saying that all Star Talons are the same, and I can give countless examples of that. So stop getting in my way, and stop defending him. It’s not proofs that he did bad things that we must have, but proofs that he did not do bad things.”

“Be careful painting people with such a broad brush, lest someone else do it to you. As it stands however, we have neither, as none of us beyond his companion I presume, were there to see if he did, or did not commit these crimes. As of now he only guilty by association.”

Backbreaker transforms to beast mode, rearing up onto his hind legs and roaring again for the crowd’s amusement. He falls onto all fours as he spews fire from his main head at Wildsong.