Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

“The way you carry yourself, your presence.” He said, “You show a lot of confidence in your combat ability and you also show the wear and tear of past conflict.” Said the Knight, “You also carry some of his anger; a sense of justice that was only rivaled by his strength in battle.”

Seraphicon puts the Enigma down with the other relics. The Angwlicon was looking a bit tired from combining.

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“Hmm, so then they were right…” said Hammer as he muttered. “Well, thanks I guess I should take it as a compliment then. But you are the first bot to ever tell me that directly.” said Hammer, wondering if the people of the colony were right.

“You also have qualities Megatronus didn’t have, some of them you have more than he did at times.” Firestorm said, recalling how Megatronus was a bit proud and short tempered sometimes, especially when Liege was flirting with Solus. He chuckles, remembering some jokes told about the shenanigans involving those three.


“That’s true…but you talk like you know him personally. It is quite interesting what you are telling me Firestorm, what else do you know ?” asked Hammer, which he was quite surprised.

“I was one of the Original Knights of Cybertron; what I know of The original 13 Primes is mainly from secondhand accounts, at best, but sometimes I did get to interact with them directly.” He told Hammer.

Careful there, Firestorm. said Dark sarcastically in the Knight’s mind, You may end up dislocating someone patting yourself on the back.


“So you know the code of honor. I vow that, but it is like a burden. If I am a descendant of Megatronus…it would explain everything.” said Hammer as he was thinking about why the Matrix rejected him. “I’ve been trying to keep the anger off, in the beginning it was worse. But the wisdom of the Primes left by them helped me, and it somewhat stopped. But it still tempts me to go back.”

“Easy there, son.” Firestorm chuckled, “You and your entire colony could be considered descendants of Megatronus because he colonized your world.”

“The point is that you remind many folks of Megatronus in one way or another and we all have our inner demons to constantly fight.” He said, looking to his left at a phantom only he could see.

“Well I certainly remind people of Megatronus a lot. It would seem I’ve got more of his genetics then the others have.” said Hammer.

Beta Maxx was looking for someone to talk to as Daybreak informs the crew that they would be reaching Muto within minutes.

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Coalburn shakes, as if he was a dog who had just been swimming. “Is this how you feel after Hauler, Zip?”

Zipline, who was concealing himself behind a machine, peeps out his head. “Usually with unaligned limbs and a few new dents, but yeah.”

Beta Maxx pokes his head into the armory, since that was were many of the relic hunters seemed to be gathering.

“There is something you all need to know about Muto,” he opens bluntly.

Kladi was meandering around

He might’ve seen Beta Maxx headed for the armory.

Cargo turns. “Yes, sir?”

Bored she decided to run after the micron

“Amalgamous’ colony is in something of a bad spot,” Beta Maxx informs Coalburn and those around him.

“Recently an extremist faction calling themselves the Functionists have assumed control over much of the planet. They believe that one’s alternate mode determines their standing in society, and their means of reforming Mutan culture to fit their ideals have been… rather destructive.”

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“So, another planet we have to free from a curse,” notes Zipline.

“What is the hierarchy of alternative modes?” Firestorm asked.

Seraphicon looked appalled at such rudeness and, for lack of a better descriptor, racism.

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“If you’re up to it,” Beta Maxx responds. “Personally I’ve never taken part in usurping a tyranical regime before. One must have variety in life, should they not?”

“The most ‘useful’ and ‘unique’ are at the top of the social ladder, while those deemed ‘useless’ are treated rather poorly. Multi-changers are forced to downgrade their bodies to take one alt-mode, and there currently exists a genocidal campaign against the shifter population.”

There was actual steam whistling out of where Firestorm’s ears would be if he had them, and it was rising in pitch and volume like a water kettle on a stove.

Seraphicon wasn’t looking very happy and clutched his greatsword, “No society should have genocide as part of it.” He said, his tone showing his great disgust at this extremist group’s ideals.