Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

Axis blocks and pushes him away. Taking the few brief moments she had, three lightning bolts were called down to strike Nemesis. Axis then slashed at him with the Star Saber.

Maximus whirled around and fired two electricity blasts from his hands at Ramjet.

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Firestorm tries to block and advance using the shield.

Seraphicon and Auros take up fighting stances. “I may be getting a little old for this.” Auros said.

“Really?” Seraphicon asked.

“But I’m not out of running yet!” The Angelicon Father called as he and Seraphicon worked as a team to fight off their attackers.

Infernocus growls, taking the shots as he grabs Hydro’s forearms and tries to throw him off the bridge.

Megabolt growls with frustration and charges, deploying a shield and a flail.

This produces anor brief energy blast that tosses the Angelicons and their adversaries about.

Nemesis Prime growls as the bolts strike, pivoting to deflect the Star Saber’s attack, producing yet another burst. The false Prime dashes forward swinging the Dark Star Saber in an upward slash.

Ramjet’s armor is scorched from the bolts. The mad herald draws his sword.

“Wow, you’re not even gonna answer my question? Rude!”

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With her smaller stature, she was easily able to dodge and move to the side. She then thrusted the blade at the harold.

Maximus pulled out his spear and threw it at Ramjet.

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Hydro prevents that from happening as he kicks at Infernocus’s lower abdomen with his right leg and with his left blade striking a slash at Infernocus’s face.

The Star Saber cuts into Nemesis Prime’s left flank with ease, eliciting a pained cry. Nemesis whips around. Slashing the Dark Star Saber through the air to send forth an arc of dark energy at Axis.

His confident expression was faltering slightly.

Ramjet tries to catch the spear, but the weapon instead punches through his palm. Ramjet looks at the enlodged weapon for a second.

“Well… ****.”

He turns his gaze back to Maximus.

“You know, that would’ve been so awes-”

The herald’s rambling is cut short as the spear’s energy blast blows apart much of his upper body.

The blade cuts a shallow gash across Infernocus’ face. The monster roars and swings a punch at Hydro’s chest.

Unsure what to do, she holds the blade in front of herself in a defensive position and braces herself.

Maximus quickly followed up with several electricity blasts.

Hydro swings with his left blade to cut Infernocus hand and with his right blade he charged his dark matter cannon and blasted at Infernocus abdomen.

The arc dissipates as it meets the blade of the Star Saber, however Axis would still feel the force of the attack.

Ramjet’s body spasms as it reforms.

With a spray of Dark Energon, Infernocus catches the blade and crushes it in his grip, growling as the shot from the cannon burns his armor.

Axis staggered, not at all ready for what hit her. She quickly regained her footing and charged.

Maximus recalled his spear and kept up on his assault, not letting up.

Hydro turns from the second configuration to its third configuration.

Hydro had a big ol grim on his face as he saw the big gun. “Oh ho ho, this would be fun.” he said as he pointed the gun at Infernocus.

“Hasta la vista…baby.” said Hydro Rex as he charged the Hyperflux Cannon and released the destructive energy at Infernocus chest.

All f my characters were fighting the Terrorcons.

Nemesis Prime follows suit, roaring a battle cry. The calm demeanor he usually upheld was nowhere to be found. He hacks furiously with the Dark Star Saber, attempting to overwhelm Axis with an unrelenting onslaught of attacks.

Ramjet transforms (as best he could) and retreats.

“Ahp-ahp!” comes a shrill cry as a portal intercepts the shot. Thunderclash flies out from under the bridge.

“Please don’t; I can actually tolerate him, unlike the others,” the Minicon cracks.

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Hydro had his jaw wide open…that is if he had a jaw to say the least.

“W-What…wh-at w-w-wh-at ?” he said stuttering. “Ho-w…h-h-ho-w did…you…” Hydro snaps out and says. “Where the hell did ya come from, midget ?” he asked as he fired another Hyperflux Cannon at the Minicon this time.

OOC: OH I almost had him…sorry @BlackBeltGamer98

Absolution speeds into the city, guns blazing.

Axis struggles to keep up. Barely able to block each attack, never mind getting in a hit herself.

Maximus let out a wild and victorious laugh.
“That’s right! You better run!”

Then he saw Axis fighting with Nemesis. It was clear she was having trouble. In a split second decision, Maximus let out all of the lightning charged he had left as one big blast aimed at Nemesis’ back.

While Hydro was so surprised, Dicius, with the full Deployer armour, landed next to them.
“You two need two more hands?”

“Sure.” said Hydro.

Hammer transformed and landed besides them. “Count me in.” said Hammer as he grabbed his new gun and charged it up, ready to strike.

The two plasma cannons on Dicius’s lower arms loaded.
“Let’s show this motherslager what we can do!”

The Minicon warps out of the way, causing the shot to land in the water. An impressive display ensues as the microsingularity produced creates a short-lived whirlpool.

“Oh, I’ve been out and about,” says Thunderclash.

Infernocus roars with fury.

Nemesis Prime reels, leaving him momentarily open to attack. His right arm, in particular was rather exposed.