Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

“Then you shall be glad to hear that Razorwing and Argentos convinced me to join up as well.” Auros told Rex, his smile showing he too was proud of the Dinobot.

After they were ejected and ended the combination, Firestorm lay on the ground, “That was really weird.” He said.


“Really !” he said.“That’s awesome.” he said as he grabbed Auros with his Dinobot grip to hug him tight.

OOC: That name…brings…not so good memories…wonder if he still lives though.

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“Whoa. This is… I don’t know what to think.”
Axis said.

“This is awesome!”
Maximimus shouted excitedly.

OOC: I think I still might have Maximus make the statue, but as more of a personal gift than anything else. A nice, if over the top show of affection.

Killstreak scans the monuments for anything depicting the absent hunters.

Auros laughed and groaned as the happiness of the hug hit him…along with the tight squeeze combined with his old age.

Firestorm climbs up to a spot where he wasn’t underfoot and called his Transtector to his location.

Seraphicon looked at each statue, admiring them and trying to soak in each detail.

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A few of the monuments feature Killstreak, Cargo, Zip, and Coalburn, and the one recreating the events on Astrum shows Killstreak forging Absolution’s body.

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Killstreak comms the three. “Come to the commons.”

Hydro Rex saw that he squeezed him too much. “Oh yeah, sorry. Sometimes I forget that you are not younger anymore.” he said as he released him, and he smiled at him, seeing that his friend would join the quest as well.

“Hey but I’m glad you are here.” said Hydro.

“Yes, so am I. I’m glad to have you both actually.” said Hammer with a smile

Hammer then started to look at each statue, admiring what some of the heroes actually accomplished.

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The Knights of Cybertron, as a gesture of good faith, replenish the Excalibur’s supply of intoxicants, to the joy of Bootleg and Salvage.

All the Primely relics had been relocated to the armory.

Hammer would see that one monument featured his battle with Ramjet. All our heroes, in fact, would find at least one of their many epic feats payed homage to in this hall.


Seraphicon looks for any that depicted his own actions, mainly out of curiosity.

The sound of something transforming could be heard by the entryway as Firestorm linked to his Transtector and stood in its robot mode. Dark was very curious to see if he had anything in this hall that told of something he did.

“Hey, that is me. When I faced Ramjet.” said Hammer to himself.

Hydro Rex sees it and says. “Oh nah-uh you actually fought that crazy guy ?” he asked.

“Yeah…he took quite a beating too.” he said with a smile.

Hydro laughed. “That’s my boy, right here.” he said as he was proud of Hammer accomplishment.

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Seraphicon’s retrieving the Matrix of Leadership during the Heralds’ invasion of Cybertron was represented, as well as the part he played in our heroes’ many battles and deeds.

As with Seraphicon and all the rest, many of Firestorm’s contributions were honored.

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Auros walked through the hall, admiring each statue as he passed it. He was visibly impressed by what the group had accomplished.

Maximus looked for anything with him in it. Excited to see what he would be remembered for.

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Zipline races into the crowd, staring at the memorial. He is expressionless. “That’s a lot of Ramjets and Nemesi,” he remarks unpredictably.

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Maximus might notice that a few of the monuments portrayed his delivering Energon to the alien castaways on Elementum, his conversation with Fangmaw, and his part in a few battles.

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Maximus was particularly drawn to his meeting with the predacon healer. Of all the events he had been through on this journey, it was this he personally cherished the most.


Firestorm stops at a statue showing when he was teaching Hammer about controlling and adapting to emotions, “I think a good tile for this one would be The School of Hard Knocks.” He said with a chuckle.

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The Excalibur lifts off and fades into Transwarp, bound for Bellator, the colony of Megatronus.


Seraphicon stood in front of the statue that showed when he convinced Liege to join the group. He still couldn’t believe that he managed to get him to do so.

Auros stood before the statue depicting Axis’s fight with Nemesis and pulls out his data tablet and starts writing something.