Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

The beast roared.

"Sword… Fix the sword!.. Make the hurting stop!’
It then proceeded to punch a sizable hole in the wall. Furiously it tried to claw out the enigma from its midsection, but to little success.

“Roight, roight, we’re workin’ on that,” AU Beta Maxx assures the beast. “But roight now, you lot look loike y’could use a more immediate solution.”

“Awroight, now I know it’s ha’d for ya t’think roight now, but I need ya t’put all the brainpowah y’can into thinkin’ ‘bout turnin’ the Enigma off. That oughta do the trick.”


“No… Enigma make strong… With friends…”

“Different space!.. Friends not here!”

The beast seemed to be arguing with itself before holding its head again.

“No! Stop! Too much noise! Shut up!”

AU Beta Maxx runs a hand across his scalp.

Ah, f’frak’s sake…” he sighs. “Awroight, if that don’t work, you lot gotta gotta stop foightin’ each otha and work togetha! That’s what’s causin’ y’noggin t’pound!”

“You’re all the same bot, for Primus’ sake, just ect loike it!”


The beast struggled for a moment before visibly calming down.

“Maximal… Predacon… Star Talon… All same bot… All same person.”

AU Beta Maxx nods encouragingly.

“Yep. Yep, that’s roight.”

“Alright… Noise, quiet… Calm now…”

“Great,” sighs AU Beta Maxx. “Wande’ful.”

“Now… What…”

AU Beta Maxx shrugs.

“We go out an’ get us a timesword, I reckon.”

“Right… Good… Land soon… Fix sword…”

Myriad raised an eyebrow. “Pretty good!”
Finite clapped, jumping up and down. “That was great!”

Unfortunetely, Dicius and Epic Sax Dicius were not there anymore. However, the two Minicons would now that the two Autobots were now in the hangar.

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“Roight,” affirms AU Beta Maxx. “Let’s get on that.”

Liege Maximo observes the Matrix’s peculiar behavior. In his hands, it seemed the talisman was not entirely dormant. Swirling traces of deep gold could still be seen on the shell, and a faint blue light still pulsed from its’ core. Curious, the Prime of Lies tries to open the Matrix, but to no avail. He sets it on the ground, and discovers that its’ condition is unchanged. Whatever effect the unstable reality around them was having on the Matrix, it was most certainly bizzare.

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Our Minicons jumped and power-linked with Dicius, at his request.
ESD: “Wow! How did you do that, dude?”
D: “This? This is simple. They jump on you and they create a costume on you.”
ESD: “Awesome! I want one too!”
Sk: “Well you are lucky. There is one more set of us right behind you.”
ESD turned around and saw the AU Minicons. The three looked at each other and shrugged. They jumped and formed an identical suit, but white.
ESD: “Oh-ho-ho! Best day of my life, bro!”

Absolution and Killstreak sit in the brig.

“You saved my life,” Killstreak mutters, stunned.

“Not the first time,” responds Absolution.

“The first time you weren’t saving your own skin.” Killstreak turns to notice the wound Absolution has. “You need to get that checked!”

“I’ll survive,” she determines. “I may have to sit this one out, however.”

Killstreak nods. “Thank you,” she says, adding “Absolution,” moments after.

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Hammer and Hydro Rex were outside with the NPCs.

“Man I can’t wait to get this thing done…and get the hell outta here.” said Hydro Rex.

“Why so in a hurry?” Hammer asked. “Its not like you.” he ads.

“Well…I think I had just about enough of these doppelgangers…also I don’t want to be near those minicons not when everything is back to normal!” replied Hydro.

“So the great Hydro Rex fears some minicons.” Hammer chuckled. “Whats the world coming up to now days.” Hammer ads.

“Really funny Hammer.” Hydro said. “I like to see you dealing with a bunch of minicons all over your body trying to steal your stuff.”

“First off I wouldn’t kick them.” Hammer said reminding Hydro about it.

“I swear to primus that I aimed for that doppelganger.” Hydro growled.

“Relax.” Hammer said. “I’m just messing around.”

“But still these part of the journey has giving me the most creeps.” Hydro said as a cold shiver came up his robotic spine.

“Worst then the alien mission, you and I did so long ago?” Hammer asked.

Hydro Rex pauses. “…No not so worst but still…I’ll call it a close second.” Hydro said.

“Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my…” was saying scared Hecateas she was trying to calm herseld down. Real Hecate saw this.
“Hey, are you all right?”
“Yes! No! Of course I am not! I’ve spend ten years in the same appartement, and I was perfectly fine! But now look! Not only that I am not in my appartment, or my block of plats, of my city, or Cybertron, OR MY UNIVERSE! I am in a freaking alternative universe!” she yelled as she started to cry.
“Sh sh sh!” Hecate said as she tried to calm her down.

Elsewhere on Aevum, the heralds of Unicron had arrived. Nemesis Prime, Megabolt, and Infernocus watch with disdain as Ramjet converses excitedly with a blue and white alternate version of himself, emanating a red aura of reality-bending energy.

“And they say Primus is a benevolent god…” Megabolt laments with a groan.


H: “Dicius, I think I will stay inside with alternative me.”
D: “Why? It’s not like you two will have enough time to become friends. After we leave Aevum she will return to her beloved appartment.”
H: “Yes, but I can’t suffer seeimg her like this. Trust me. It will be OK.”