Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

Myriad follows Daybreak. Emerald sits on her shoulder.

Seraphicon and Firestorm follow.

Bootleg shivers noticeably; he wasn’t used to winter weather, and his small, malfunctioning frame wasn’t doing him any favors.

The crowd begins to split down the middle as a techno-organic monoformer sporting golden armor begins to make his way through, flanked by guards, the snow crunching beneath his feet.

“Alright, nobody do anything stupid,” Beta Maxx quietly advises.

Though for some of our number, that is unfortunately asking for much.

Sparkplug approached, to the point he was a few meters behind the golden Monoformer.

Dicius caught Hecate in an one-armed hug, to protect her of the coldness of this planet. Ironjaw, Warya, Chopbot and Hornblow didn’t seem to have an actual problem with the temperature.

Firestorm seemed unfazed while Seraphicon shivered a bit.

The monoformer stops just a few paces away from the relic hunters, clasping his hands together and bowing. The murmuring crowd falls silent

“On behalf of the city of Alchimia, I, Veneficus, welcome you to Elementum,” he greets in a calm voice that carried with it a sense of authority.

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Seraphicon returns the bow, hands clasped in a similar way.

“Well met, Veneficus.” He said, reciprocating the greeting.

“Nice to meet you, Veneficus.” Dicius said.

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Zipline, after surveying every crate, realizes how absent Cargo had been as of late, and decides to return to their room. Upon opening the door, he surprised to find Cargo using his partner’s device, watching a show.

“What are you doing?!” Zip shrieks, feeling violated of his possession.

Cargo looks up with seemingly bloodshot eyes. “This show is going to be the death of me.”

“What? What show?”

“I was curious why you watched so much Terran stuff. Now I know.”

“What show?” Zip repeats.

“I don’t know, I could barely change the language, much less the translations!”

Zipline biunds to his friend, and takes on glimpse of the screen. “Oh. That makes sense. You have a case of the ‘binge’.”

“The what?”

“When keep watching episode after episode. It often only works with some shows, Stranger Things, for example.”

Coalburn peers through the doorway. “So, are we getting off or not?”

“Sure, I’ll catch up… After this episode…” Cargo says. He turns to face his brother. “Go invite Killstreak while you wait.”

Zip nods. “Sure.” He stares at the screen.

“Go!” Cargo orders, turning it off.

Zipline exits the room, as Cargo continues watching the episode.


The three Minicons passed Cargo’s and Zipline’s room while heading to the hangar.

They would probably be blocked off by a Spinosaurus and half a combiner.

“Hey you two!” Spokes said. “Mind getting out of our way?”

Coalburn turns to face them, then does his best to press against the wall.

“Give me ten moneys, and I might,” Zip smirks, even though he was barely guarding a portion of the hallway.

“Sure.” Giffin said. “What currency?”
“For a smart guy, you are pretty stupid.” Skorn said, pushing him between Zip and Coalburn.

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, as well,” says Veneficus. “Exilis, Apex and Query speak well of… most of your number.”

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“Then you know why we are here and our enemies.” Firestorm said, speaking in Ancient.

He uses his Talismanic Armor to see if there are any Knights on Elementum.

Sol stood stoicly by them, the flames of his body melting any snow nearby

Veneficus frowns; though he was well-versed in the ancient language, most rarely spoke it outside of ceremonies.

“That I do,” he affirms.

There were none.

Firestorm nods, “What must we do to prove ourselves worthy of the relics of this world so we may be able to oppose those who seek to bring all of life to ruin?” He asked in Ancient. He felt more comfortable speaking his first language even though he was now fluent in NeoCybex.

“I wish to make a request.” Seraphicon said.

Veneficus looks up from Firestorm, rising to acknowledge Seraphicon.
