Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

hm… “we’re going to need more energon soon.”

Swingstep reaches top speed, watching the convoy intently. In his distraction, he failed to see the chunk of metal in his path. He roll over it, flips over, and falls on the ground in his bot form. Muttering unintelligible words underneath his breath, he shifts back to his golf cart and resumes his chase, hoping he didn’t alert any passengers.

“We’ve moved some over from our supply, but you’re right,” the gestalt agrees with Haliaetus.

Swingstep was still too far away to alert Salvage and Bootleg.

He looks at the gestalt, “take the ship and Rob a minor energon reserve on junkion, take whatever you need for the job.”

Swing counts his blessings after seeing no change in the ship’s actions, and continues with the joke.

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“I think it’s best we lay low for just a while,” the gestalt advises. “I understand wanting to remain in the public eye, but I feel we’ve done enough for one day. There’s plenty of shipwrecks here that haven’t been picked clean; I can take some of my associates and gather energon from them while you and the rest check out the colony ship.”

“You see, the reason I suggested we bring energon was so that we’d avoid blasting our way inside,” the techno-organic protests.

“The ship itself is of no concern; we only want what’s inside.”

“the energon reserve was less of the public eye, and more of we really need energon, but very well, scavenge what you can.”

The gestalt nods, taking seven of his troop to scavenge a nearby Autobot medical frigate.

The twins bring enough energon from the sweeper, carrying it in alt mode, “let’s go.”

The targetmaster, the techno-organic, and the duocon head for the colony ship.

Haliaetus and the twins follow

After traversing through the apocalyptic landscape that was the ruined city, the group would soon arrive at the shaft of the colony ship. A lift in the shaft would take them into the upper sections of the craft, like the ring. At least, it would if it had energon to power it.

The twins began work to put energon into The system

Orange exterior lights adorning the ship flicker to life, and the door to the lift opens.

“see if the ship has solar, or anyway to self produce energon,” haliaetus orders the twins

The ship did indeed have a system allowing it to convert solar energy into Energon. This was a standard feature in every sufficiently-sized cybertronian spacecraft.

They activated it

More exterior lights activate, and a low hum could be heard as the ship’s various systems and mechanisms slowly began to reactivate.

“I think we may have a new base of operations”

Unfortunately for Haliaetus, a combination of time and Clemency’s severe weather had done irreparable damage to the engines; the ship would never fly again.

The targetmaster, techno-organic, and duocon enter the lift.