Transformers: Universal Devistation

“Eh, it was life. Then came the uprising.”

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“That doesn’t sound good.”

Maximus activated his optic lights, so he could see what was on the far side of the wall, and was horrified with what he was confronted with.

“What of the gestalts?” Asked halfshell

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“The gestalts, that I know of, downsized into Micromaster combiner, dudes. Anywho, the Uprising, There was this guy, Lio Convoy, who worked as the ref for the games, kills a micromaster in the middle of the game, declaring it fixed, and the Builders evil and corrupt. That’s when everyone started losing their minds. Loads of people joined his cause, and they began to duke it out with the builders.”

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“War never can truly escape our race can it.”
Tigatron said in a somber tone.

The group was dumbstruck in horror, for in front of them, was a throne, upon which sat Prima himself.

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“I guess, but that was when Megatron showed up on the scene.”

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“And here I thought it couldn’t get worse.”

He was slumped over, and by the looks of it, long dead. The Star Saber still clutched in his hand, held down towards the floor like a cane.

“What are you talking about? Megatron is fantastic, the greatest Crime lord the world has ever seen!”

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“The key word being crime.”

Maximus approached, cautiously.

“Eh, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him, anyways, onto the beast upgrade.”

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“So I take it you where not born the way you are?”

Maximus slowly reached for the handle of the blade. Mere moments before he could touch it, Prima’s eyes burst to life. He began shouting and barking and growling.
“Back away! This blade is mine! You hear me! Mine and only mine. Back away!”
He moved around jerkily and shaky, dust poring off of him. Suddenly, a laser-bolt shot him in the chest, putting him back off line…

ooc: did i do that

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“Nope, I was car. Megatron showed up on the Criminal Underwold, with a crap ton of energon, and a loot of underlings. He quickly anexed his opposition, and became the firm leader of the Underworld. He began looking for new ways to grow his empire, and began with the fuel industry. In his time, Thunderwing was quite the scientist, and had brought back the Mechanimals, who had gone extinct a while back. Mechanimals are special because they make their own energon by eating stuff. Megatron eventually worked out how to grant the Maximals and Predacons Mechanimal alt modes.”

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OOC: No.

“Hmph. We were born like that.”
Tigatron says, with a bit of a chuckle, holding his head high.

Maximus turns around, and sees Axis, holding a smoking gun.

“good shot axis”

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A look of horror was splayed across her face. She dropped the gun and fell to her knees.
“I… I didn’t do that… I didn’t mean to do that…”

“Right. Well, I guess it’s time to explain my part in all of that.”

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“what are you crying about? he was dead anyway”

“Go on.”

"No… I mean I didn’t mean to do that. I… I had no control.

The temple began to shake