Transformers: Universal Devistation

“Alright then, I was created. Or something. I lived in Crystal city, very nice place, where I worked as a courier.”

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“scrap… grab the sword and lets get out of here”

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The throne with the sword decends into the floor and vanished

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“Seems like a modest life.”

Before the sword was gone, Maximus managed to grab it.

The roof began to decend

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Maximus used the sword to slash an exit. The ground was a ling way down.
“We’re gonna have to jump!”


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The wall heals

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“It was, I suppose. I was eventually chosen to compete in the Games, I managed to off one of the opposing team, before I was knocked into stasis lock.”

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“And what then?”

“Slag! Everyone, try and find a way out!”
They all try to run the way the came in.


“Then? The team won without me, I got patched up and sent home. The Uprising was several solar cycles after that, Crystal City was razed to the ground for the upteenth time. I pretty much just wandered from place to place after that, before falling in with the Kospegos Gang, lead by this guy named Thunderhoof.”

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OOC: Gotta go. be back in a while

ooc: gotta go. good night guys. have a nice day/night

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“Thunderhoof was offed by Megatron, and the Kospegos were anexed into his group: The Darksyders. I was hooked up as one of his energon pushers, and pretty much acted as the muscle for my group. One day, the Seeker hit some manner of portal and I awoke, barely functional, in the wreckage of the craft.”

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“And I take it that’s when you met the others?”

Gronius was in his room. He was looking at Arcee (Arsee) how she was sleeping. Then he heard the temple collapsing. He ran to the window to see what is happening.


“Yeah, pretty much.”

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bombor tries to run out of the temple

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