Transformers: Universal Devistation

“Stupid Micromaster,” Dire grumbled to himself.

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“hey, I’m just short. i was made that way”

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“Yeah. All Micromasters are.”

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OOC: depends on what version of beast wars you watch, and he’s alive as shown later in the manga

“I’m not micro-whatever. you need to get your optics checked.”

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OOC:Beast Wars: Uprising - Transformers Wiki

Beast wars uprising doesn’t happen in the same continuity as the beast wars shows/manga. Trust me, I read all the prose stories. The headmasters cartoon isn’t canon in BWU



“If you aren’t a micromaster, they how are you suposed to explain your existence?”

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OOC: oh, you’re talking about uprising, my bad. There’s so many different beast wars shows/comics/manga I tend to get confused

At that moment, there is a brilliant flash of light, and a mysterious bot appears out of nowhere.

His words echo throughout the barren landscape. Maximus immediately recognizes the bot, and bows in respect.

“What in tarnation?”

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“I am Vector Prime. One of the original 13 primes. And you have been summoned here for a purpose.”

Direwolf burst out laughing.

Maximus: “What is the matter with you? Show some respect.”

bombor is silently panicking, not sure whether to fight or run

Dire continued to laugh,“Oh, I bet Man-Drill though it would be funny to stick some Syc in my Energon, he’s probably having a big old laugh about it right now, heck, I’m probably still on the ship, headed to wherever it was we were delivering the enegon.”

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Vector: “I understand your suspicion. However, there is no time for doubt. A great evil threatens us all, and it is up to you to eliminate it”

Another figure appears, hidden from sight

Direwolf continued to chuckle.

“oh unicron, we’re so dead”

@Ace Not quite yet.

Vector: “This threat goes by many names. The ultimate evil, The Chaos Bringer, Unicro- How did you know?”