Transformers: Universal Devistation

“Don’t know… I just want you teo to come…”

“Yo Sadie? Are you there?”

“Well why can’t you stay here? With us?”

“Yes I’m here. What is is?”

“This is a stupid idea. I am somebody back home. I can’t abandone them.”

“I was thinking, now that we have Delta, why aren’t you making your own body, like Axis?”

“You mean your Direwolf? Why would you want to go back.”

“I’m fine with having the ship. Besides, Delta is a personal a.i for Maximus. He goes where Maximus goes.”

“No. No him. I am the leader of the Autobots from Earth. They count on me. Plus, before I came here, I almost convinced Onyx to bring me back home.”

“Come on! You can use dead Arcee’s body! Of course, you can upgrade it and everything…”

“Well I can’t leave here. I really don’t see why this is such a big deal.”

“Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I don’t want one? I’m fine with the Axalon.”

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“I just can’t leave. Ok?”

“Ok? You start to be like Dire! Can you at least give me a full list with everybody in our team? A lot of people come, a lot of people leave, and I am confused.”

“I get that. You can go home, and I can stay here. I don’t get why you want me to come with you so bad.”

“Well lets see. There’s you, Maximus, Wildsong, Bombor is passed out in his room, Rhinox is around here somewhere, Thunderblast, Thundercracker, Ransack, and Crumplezone are in the cargo bay, and Arcee, Axis, Direwolf, and Scourge are all m.i.a.”

“Ok, you want the truth? I give you the truth. Axis could save us.”

“Thank you.”

“Wait what? What are you talking about?”

“Uh… no problem. So are you feeling any better?”

“Axis is the very first Aiticon I ever saw.”

“So good, that I want to do something! This is why I asked you if you wanted to make a body.”

“What’s an aitcon? You’re not making any sense.”

“Well I’m fine the way I am. It would be a waste of time and resources.”

“An Aiticon is the term Solus Prime gave for the a.i. who managed to obtain a body with spark. Axis is the very first.”

“As much as you want it will never be a waste.”

“Alright. She has a body. Big whoop. I still don’t know why its such a big deal for me to come with you.”

“What would I even do with a body anyway?”

“Listen me! Solus Prime’s biggest wish is to have her own species, made by her, created by her. Eons ago she created the concept of Aiticons, which were designed to be her species. From that day, she locked herself in her laboratory and do experiments to create one bot, but she can’t. Axis could help her. And I believe that if you come, she will come too!”

“Don’t know… Help us fight Unicron… Make a boyfriend…”

“First of all, she didn’t create Axis. I don’t even think Axis could help, seeing as she was given a body and spark by a magical mask, that isn’t even cybertronian. Second of all, she’s with Dire. I don’t think she would leave him for me. If you want her to go with you, then ask her. Trying to get me to go does absolutely nothing.”

“Wait… the ****? Seriously, what the ***?”
As she was speaking through the ship, her swears where covered by actual beeping.

“Axis would be a great help. And, believe me, she still loves you.”

“Wow! Wow! Sorry! I wanted to say you could do what Axis did!!”

“No she doesn’t.”

“Well what if I don’t want to!”

“Yes she do.”

“Ok! Ok! I go to search for Arcee.”

“No she doesn’t, and I’m fine with that. She likes Dire, and that’s fine.”

“I wouldn’t advise it. You’d be an easy target for patrolling sweeps.”