Transformers: Universal Devistation

Direwolf kicked him in the side.

Maximus managed to jump to his feet. He then quickly formed an ice sword, and swung it at Dire.

The sword made a nasty gash in Direwolf’s sode, who proceeded to growl, and slash at Maximus’s leg.

He tried to back away, but only sustained further damage to his already injured leg. Maximus was barely able to stand.

Direwolf began to pummel him, and kicked him in the face.

Maximus could only suffer the attacks, trying not to fall again. He waited for a pause in Dire’s attacks before cracking a smile and a mild chuckle.
“Alright… I think that’s enough for now.”
Maximus formed an ice cane and leaned on it.
“Great work…”

“You can’t quit the game!” Dire snarled,“The Builders won’t allow it.”

“What are you talking about?”
Maximus sounded confused, and very tired.

“You must die, so that I may live, such is the game.”

“Okay… I think that’s enough training for today… Just try and calm down.”
He sounded worried now.

Direwolf took a swing at Maximus.

He tried to back up, but ended up loosing grip of the cane, and he fell to one knee.
“Direwolf… Calm down. We’re done training for today.”

“It’s Dog eat Dog, kill or be killed, you’re just making my job easier.”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but you need to stop.”
Maximus said, in a more authoritative tone. He struggled to stand up again.

“Do you think the Builders care what you think? They want blood, and it’s yours, or mine,” he growled.

Using what little strength he had left, Maximus quickly drew the Star Saber from the sheath on his back, and slammed it on the ground.
He shouted. Both that and the metallic clang of the saber echoed throughout the barren expanses. The saber was glowing brightly.


“I don’t know what is going on in that head of yours, but you need to snap out of it!”
White energy was sparking around his body, much like in his fight with Galvatron. His eyes where fading back and forth between their normal orange and a bright white.

“The games, this isn’t the games?”

“Well it was a training exercise before you decided to go ape s***!”
His eyes where now white. Energy was radiating off of him. He seemed unnaffectedby his previous injuries.