TTV Questions & Answers!

Yeah, I understand why you say this Var. On the “TTV talks Crap” live stream i noticed you used Skype accounts with your names on them, except Eljay i think, and if people are stalking your social media accounts of course you won’t hire them.

How about some nice black pins?


the cast page makes me sounds cooler than i actually am lol


Since that was a Google Hangouts livestream, those were Google Hangouts accounts. And my name is Eljay Johnson, remember?

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lol, I don’t think that’s legal tender prpl

oh yeah that’s right, but it’s still weird to stalk someone’s social media for a job

Dear @prpldragon can you be part of my Create-A-Hero/Villain Community Artwork Project?

Easy fix.


Seeing as within the next few hours Homestuck is coming to an end, will there be a discussion about it or something? I don’t know how many cast members followed it (the only one that comes to mind is @prpldragon ) but if more followed/had a passing interest it’d be nice to have one final acknowledgement before the fans begin accepting the end.

kahi’s 300 pages behind so i wouldn’t count on a homestuck discussion any time soon
(besides, to my knowledge no one else likes it)

here’s a summary of my thoughts at the moment: very mixed. i loved the animation and the song used is one of my favorites, but nothing made sense story-wise.

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Prpl talks about Homestruck


So, on the latest podcast (great episode BTW) you guys mentioned that for your 25,000 sub livestream, that only people watching on Vessel or the boards would know. (Thankfully I do both) but for the average joe on youtube, this is a bit unfair, seeing as this is the celebration of 25,000 Youtube subscribers, so leaving out a large majority of people that watch your content seems like a bit of a jerk move.

Actually, we announced we were going to be doing the livestream this weekend on our breaking news video, so for the people that subscribe to us on YouTube for Bionicle news (the majority of the YouTube audience) they’ve been informed for well over a week.


Is the livestream on Youtube?

Ah. Alright, sorry bout that.

Yep, it’ll be on YouTube. We’ll have a topic on the boards for commenting as well while it’s going on.

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Sorry if it was really obvious, but when is the livestream happening? I don’t want to miss it!

The 16th, sometime in the midday.

OK thanks.

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I’ve completely forgot when TTV would be at I think it was brick fair? i’ve looked around and I forgot where they mentioned it

They will be there in early august, the 6-7th are the public days.

thank you

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