TTV Questions & Answers!

Aw, but that’s just so easy. Where’s the creativity? I personally call EljayxAlena either MangoKitty or the Whisper Club.

(I also refer to KahixKahi as The One True God but that’s unrelated)


An approximate number, obviously, but how many Bionicle sets do you own? Were there certain years/waves you were just more into it, resulting in more set purchases?

Also, how public are you with your Bionicle love, and how often do you make it public you’re a part of TTV?

Practically all of my original sets have been either lost or broken down into my parts bin. But during my run as a kid I remember collecting every single Toa from every single year, up until 2008 when I opted to skip out on the Mistika because I found them kind of ugly. Occasionally I got titans, (such as the 06 titans) and sometimes I bought the villain sets, but since they were typically clones and less interesting them the Toa I usually got one or two. I rarely bought the small sets, but I did have a few.

But, as I said, I no longer have any of my original sets, however I re-bought all the 2001 - 2003 sets, excluding the Muaka and Kane-Ra, and have them displayed above my studio.

As far as BIONICLE love, my entire group of college friends are very much aware of my involvement with the line and it’s community, and support our channel completely. Though, here in North Carolina BIONICLE is pretty popular… I’ve had plenty of conversations with people I don’t even know about it, I’d honestly say it’s more rare to find someone who DOESN’T like BIONICLE here.


Huh, up in NH it seems like quite the oppposite. Last time I met anyone that had any interest was when I was like 12… :confused:

Screw this crud, I’m movin’ to NC!

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Uh oh! You said number 11!


Who is your favorite Toa?

Lhikan, The Noble.

On another note, who else finds it odd that Vakama possesses the willpower to use the Vahi before he even has the willpower to control his huna?

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Do you think BIONICLE will have difficulties appealing to newer fans when LEGO has several other lines with TV shows, games, etc. are all marketed towards a certain age group? Do you think LEGO should attempt to market BIONICLE towards older age groups instead?

I didn’t have a job while Bionicle was active, so I got maybe one or two sets when it came out. I had nearly all of the 2006 ones, though, because they were on sale at the LEGO website.

Honestly, I tend to tell people that I work for a YouTube channel and then lead into the fact that it’s a review/entertainment site and then reveal the stuff about LEGO/Bionicle. It’s just that I feel that if I led in with it otherwise, it’d sound a lot smaller than it actually is.

Bionicle has always skewed a little older, but honestly, they just need to make it good and people will come. I always point to The Last Airbender when I talk about what I’d like Bionicle’s return to look like. You can make a great show geared at kids while still keeping older audiences interested.


good question. that’s a point that I don’t think has been brought up before

I thought you swore to never say the word “dandy” ever again.





Ask more questions.

Feed me more attention plz >:I


Why do you need more attention, Var?

In Jang’s video giving his final thoughts of his Drone MOC, based off the drone from the HF Rise of the Rookies Special, in turn inspired by Var’s “Silver” am I the only one who finds his pronunciation of Var’s name kinda hilarious? This vid, for the record (Like, 3 minutes in)

Outside of covering the Tenkai Knights TV Show, what other potential events would result in Eljay leaving TTV? 8D

We’ve had game nights, and the RWBY Coverages, but outside those, are there any future plans for non-lego based/related content or the like on the Channel? (To ask an actual serious question)

  1. No, you are not.

  2. Covering My Little Pony perhaps?

(I am in no way trying to impersonate any members of TTV, but am merely expressing my opinions. Thank you for not raging.)


Because I feast off the hopes and dreams of little children, and needless to say: “Var is hungry”

lolnope. I never really thought my name was that hard to pronounce…

Eljay threatens to leave over practically everything, I think the guy’s a little insecure.

Yes, and no. We have plenty of random, non-lego related videos in the works, Game Time will be a returning thing, and it’s safe to say we’ll be doing coverages of various stuff in the future- however the channel will always remain Lego based.

So for instance, say we just recorded a string of Game Time videos, we wont be releasing those if there’s Lego things to talk about. Meaning they’ll stay on stand by until there’s a period of inactivity from Lego, which happens pretty frequently.

I wouldn’t count on it, none of us are into MLP.


I have a question for all of the TTV cast:

When is there going to be a TTV Mortal Kombat Ultimate Tournament video? You guys don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for something like that. I mean, what could be better? Nothing, that’s what! We need a TTV MKUT!!

Just a general question, if you could bring one movie, one book, one TV show, and one video game onto a deserted island, what would you bring?