TTV Showcase Animation (2 Fan 2 Fictionous)

So here’s my entry for the 2 Fan 2 Fictionous Contest.

I only found out about the contest 5 days before it will end and if you’ve ever done animation you know that’s not enough time to animate :sweat_smile: On top of that I’m a very amature animator so altogether its not vey good. This is more of a personal project for me as its the longest and most time consuming animation I’ve ever done (this took me 20 hours!) So anyway enjoy my terrible animation :grinning:!

I’d like to thank Venom for the awesome MOCs that the character designs are based off of.
PrplDragon for the Draganigons that her design is based off because Ven hasn’t MOCced her yet
Cazapar for the AWESOME music Side Note, Cazapar’s music syncs perfectly with the video, that wasn’t intentional that was pure luck!
Xeros for the idea of making an animation.
And TTV for being so great and being such an amazing channel, website, cast and message boards Other side note, I’d just like to mention the The Message Boards are without a doubt the bes message boards I’ve ever used, in terms of both design and community


It looks neat! There is some parts that could be smoothed out (but you already said that), however I like it for what it is! (Nice choice of music as well!)
Nice job!

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Looks pretty gud!
Thank you for putting my music to good use!

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You’re welcome, it’s amazing music!

This is really cool

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I like it, but Prpl is kinda scaring me.