Viper's/Phweffie's AMA

Courtesy, dude. Courtesy towards the police. If he gets stuck, you can be stuck with him/her.

I was saying the police should get out and run.

Dude. It’s a joke. AND YOU’RE RUINING IT.




Oh, wait, this is in CANADA, oh, I thought this was the NYC police. Yeah, that’s hilarious! XD

Anyway will you open your AMA anytime soon?

@Viper What is your opinion on peanut butter? I heard that non-Americans think it’s a little “disgusting” that we eat it. Though that was an Australian, I’m just wondering.

I hate it, personally.
However almost everybody else I know likes it so…yeah. XD

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No I’m with you, I’ve tried to eat peanut butter before multiple times and it’s horrible. #DownWithPeanutButter




do you like nutela Viper?

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Oh, I meant in general, not by itself and straight out the jar. Unless @Mesonak misinterpreted both the Q and the A.

I just eat it on a PBJ sandwich, but when opening the jar, I can’t stand the stench.

I don’t like nuts in anything that includes chocolate.


Meso, I… I feel so betrayed…

I LOVE Peanut Butter. How dare you hashtag it’s downfall!


My greatest enemy is the Hershey bars that look the same as the regular ones, but you need to look carefully on the bottom to notice that they have almonds. Well, that and foxes.

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This sentence offends the allergic


How does one Britain?

Your opinion on Pink Things?

Beatles or Stones?

@TFM101A: Being slightly facetious and sarcastic towards anything and everything but using formal words/accent at the same time. : P

I’m fine with people who wear pink, I don’t like the colour myself because I was forced to put up with it for the first 10 years of my life. The only time I wear pink is when there’s a day for charity, I’m willing to put my dislike for it aside for a good cause.

@John_Sheppard: I like both of them. But I prefer The Rolling Stones because one of my favourite songs came from them, Paint it Black. The song hits a lot of emotional notes with me. But I still enjoy and have great respect for The Beatles.



What’s your thoughts on the trainwreck that is Pro Skater 5?


I watched TTV Talks About Moving, and now I have one question: Why do you know so much about cat mating?

@LelouchViBritannia: It’s a shame, I enjoyed the old Tony Hawk games, but this one was lazy without even a pinch of inspiration. Me and my friends had a look at it and two of us said it wasn’t worth it.

@Paradox: Because one of my cats has had kittens and the reason I found out she was pregnant was because…yeah I saw their creation while bringing in the washing.


What is a “washing”?

How do you feel about Nexo Knights?

Do you watch NC and Suspect (You might have said CinemaSins, but I can’t recall) because you like them or because your interested in screenwriting/film-making and the mistakes not to make? Or is it both?