What elements would you have liked to see?

This topic is pretty much what it says on the tin. What elements would you have liked to see more in the mataverse? Or, what unofficial elements would you have liked to see introduced into bionicle lore?

I personally would have liked to see more plasma in the stories. It was only mentioned a couple times, and mostly for the bohrok kal.


I would like to see a New Toa team that has these “less used” elements


Yeah that was one of my pet peeves with bionicle. Only using the six primary elements in the sets.

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I would wish to see the element of Light come back, or at least the Mask of Light. I always loved seeing the Mask of Light when it appeared, because I always thought it was the coolest looking mask.

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I thought the movie version looked awesome, but the set form was never as cool to me.

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In my Bionicle rewritten story, I use the elements of energy, mind, physics, time, alchemy, and acid, none of which are elements of Toa, Matoran, or Turaga. Only other species, like Skakdi.

I would also love to see Sonics return. Sonics is pretty cool, and Krakau was a pretty cool character.


i know it would be cool but please take it down

Same here. White and gold was a very good color combo that went drastically underused.

I think a toa of animation would be cool. Making anything they want move around.


Another one I’d enjoy a return from would be iron. Think about it: It seems they use metals in this new version of BIONICLE, so perhaps a Toa of Iron could actually destroy masks!


We never saw a real Toa of the Green in the old canon story. It’d have been nice to see a spirit of the garden :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thats @DargeD :stuck_out_tongue:

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I actually have a toa of the green MOC coming soon.

Well, we got Lewa, Master of Jungle… :stuck_out_tongue:

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True, I guess

To me, Stone and Earth have always seemed too similar. I would take one out and replace it with, say, electrity, and make the Toa yellow.
Actually, that would have worked out for Toa Hewkii =P


Well obviously plants so I can be the canon toa of garden but I also want a toa of density because that seemed like a cool power

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I’d love Toa with the elemental powers of the three legendary powers.

Another thing I would love to see: The Toa combining their elemental powers in order to create things like sandstorms, magma, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and much more.