What Else Could Have Happened in 2009?

Right now, I’m wondering about the “reboot” in 2009. If the story hadn’t gone to Bara Magna at that point, what would we have gotten? Would we have seen some kind of epic battle between the Toa and Terridax for the rest of the story, of was the Bara Magna storyline inevitable?


I wish we could have gotten the Tridax’s reign as the main storyline with Bara Magna as the story serials. I think that the Toa oppressed would have made a much better story.

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If makuta had won G1 could probably had gone for a couple more years

Dino bionicles

I think you guys are miss-understanding the question…
He’s not asking what would have happened had it not been cancelled, he’s asking, what would have happened had we not gone to Bara Magna in 2009, and continued on in the main story in the MU for 2009+

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My guess Is we would have gotten Order of Mata Nui sets like Helryx, Zaria and Orde, and they probably would have focused on the war against the Brotherhood. They probably would not have had Teridax take over yet also. I have no idea, I have no affiliation with Lego, but it’s just my thought/theory.

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I don’t think ToaTumult is all that far off, although nothing was ever discussed about an MU story for 2009. I fought (and lost) to not wake Mata Nui up in 2008 – I felt we could have mined the MU for stories for several more years before having to take that step.