What Grinds Your Gears?

I’m one of the few who seem to not care for it.

People that act like they are above a situation that is beyond their understanding.

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You know what grinds my gears?
the fact it’s still not fixed…


When people refer to Microsoft as “PC” even though PC refers to a “personal computer” and has nothing to do with operating system.

When people write tan^-1 instead of acrtan.

When my physics teacher uses 9.80 as acceleration due to gravity instead of 9.81.

When my physics teacher pronounces kinetic with a long i.

When my physics teacher rounds to less than three decimal places.

When people say they’re never going to use algebra even though I use it all the time.

When people say math is stupid just because they don’t understand it.

Significant figures.


When the Boards break consistently on mobile, and master rank is hard to keep up.


Uh… You’re a Protector now.

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After refreshing the page, it appears I am.


The sites been down for days for me though

Better get working on those topics then

When a college has a running start English 101 class and tries to screw you over and say you can’t get college credit because of some stupid change made to the test AFTER YOU TOOK IT, making you have to deal with them over the phone and get it sorted out so you can still get credit.


When my family tries to play match maker for me.

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scene people, blokes who care about shoes (how deprived are you to be staring at people’s feet and judging them over their shoe choice), trends, over used words, and people who go out their way to shove their label in your face.


When the college you are dual-enrolled in changes its policy so that now you will be paying out of pocket per credit hours when public schoolers don’t have to.

  • Plates hitting other plates

  • People who are too friendly

  • Eljay’s TTV Podcast intro: He says “I haven’t heard it yet” and then says “so keep doing it.” It makes no sense.

When I’m eating food, and my teeth squeak together.

I believe that, to you, sarcasm is like an airplane. It just goes right over your head.



Oh I was aware of it. It’s just that you weren’t sarcastic for the rest of it.

I thought it was reverse psychology to get people to click on your videos to leave the comments and gain you ad revenue


how everytime someone sees something that looks like a robot they think it’s a transformer…


My grandpa keeps calling my Bonkles transformers no joke :stuck_out_tongue:


Literally all my family members do this aside from my mom… It’s been a slow realization for them to say the least.

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When any given person only posts one kind of thing, and nothing else. When they never have any kind of variety in what they post.

It’s a silly complaint but it still kinda bugs me.

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