What's going on in your life?


I never knew about that…


Just finished my first year at university and somehow did well in all of my exams. yaaaaaaay :grin:


I’m waiting for someone to show up online…

It’s quite boring when you’re alone yknow…

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I just got back last night from a 60 mile week long canoe trip, so that was fun.

Broke my hand tonight. That was… fun >_<


I hope your hand gets well ^^

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Finally finished moving into my new house. Twas exhausting. I also got around to building all of the ‘Winter Wave’ 2016 Bionicle sets I got a while back, along with PoJ, PoE and a Skull Warrior.


Well, my computer mointor is going to be buzz out, so I may get a new one at least.

I’m about to get my first job which I wish I got last year, but I’m glad I got it now.


In news for me, I graduated middle school two weeks ago, and since I’m a Girl Scout I started working on my Silver Award (second highest award you can get.)
I also signed up for CITing at a camp and have no idea if I got in yet.

Congratulations to everyone’s above accomplishments! Those are all really good!


@HaliTheMaskMaker Cool.

I’m in Boy Scouts, should get Eagle rank fairly soon.

Have fun typing for the next 6-8 weeks…

Its not actually too bad. Just a small fracture in a bone on the top side of my hand. Its bandaged and has a brace around it for a little bit. Hurts like nothing else though and i keep smacking it into things by accident T_T

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I understand your pain, I’ve broken bones on multiple occasions. (I cr1 evritym)

Finished school for the term
And with my new room, I can finally have proper space to Moc!

So I graduated from high school yesterday.



Well today i ordered a new Zap skylander (because my original one (which was used) died yesterday) and i also ordered Chi Worries from Ebay.

I’ve graduate a level in my acting school recently. I really hope I can become an actor some day. Otherwise, that’s about it.

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R.I.P Goldy the gold fish Bought 4th April 2002 Died 27th june 2016

To goldy my pet gold fish i will miss you so much you were my only true friend growing up. when ever i had a problem or was upset i’d talk to you and your swim and listen to what i had to say you’d love the strokes i give you along your back.

now that you are gone i have no one to talk to you were my only true friend i’ll miss you


holy cow that’s a pretty long time for a goldfish…


Um, this goldfish is older than I am…