What's going on in your life?

I imagine she meant “robbed”, my question is

how many houses do you have? o_0


Oh yeah, I mean looted.

And I have um… 8 I believe


8 well that’s a lot but not uncommon, my dad owns 2 here in Texas and 3 in Mexico so I see this as normal in a way.


I only have one house.

Am I special now?


no i also have only one

the rest are apartments /s

I’ve never heard of someone who isn’t a child with divorced parents have more than 1 house


same, I’m so confused…

do the houses i build in minecraft and terraria count as houses


Well don’t know what to tell you for me it’s common. Some of my friends parents have own a few houses who they rent out to people. The second house my dad owns here in Texas he rents it out to people, it’s a good way to make money.

I’m considering buying a couple houses to rent out to people. Seems like an interesting business venture so why not take some risks.

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Are you rich or something?


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Well yes but my family never spent money like crazy we had the money but we just kept it in the bank we rarely used any of that money. We just had it there for emergency purposes, business investments and other stuff.


Well My Bird has died,last night so I’m grief for his passing.


Sorry for your loss, hope things get better.

I’m taking the SAT and the ACT in quick succession next week… SAT next Saturday, ACT the Friday after that! :sweat:
Wish me luck!

Me Writing This:

People Reading this Who Have Taken the SAT and ACT Normally:

I would know, I just talked to my friends about it and they were like, “Where do you live?! With the slavemaster of Missouri?” :anguished:


Don’t worry you’ll do fine, even if you don’t do as good as you want you can always take them again.


Dude, I’m sorry; that always sucks. Hope things get better.

I’m pretty busy this weekend with English homework… and I’ll probably fit in a six or seven mile run. That’s about it.

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a lot actually its been going up and down and up and down a lot of stress and a lot of anger towards a group of people, not a lot of friends

if y’all want to know more just reply and i’ll say more but i will not go in to details (like names) just in case if one of you know me and or go to my school i like to remain anonymous when online

and why does everyone in schools make fun of you for liking legos?


this is horrible!!!


@Omega_Tahu yeah heh thats why i just stopped telling people i havent told any of my friends last time i told someone was in 6th grade

@White_Rainbow im sorry to hear that hope things get better for you

Edited for Double Post - Waj

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