Which bionicle species would you want to be part of

Any particular tribe?

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I would love to be mentally insane and deadā€¦


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On the plus side, youā€™d probably be able to get Telluris to give you free rides in the Skopio

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Honestly, matoran.

@SteampunkTahu Any particular element?

Iā€™d probably want to be a matoran of stone.

My a first choice would be water, but as Iā€™m a guy I geuss fire, I also would quite like being Light or Psionics.

I was just thinking about this question the other day. As cool as it would be to be a Makuta and have way too many powers, I donā€™t think Iā€™d care to have a gas body. It just seems kinda weird.
Going with the ā€œsapientā€ species, I would go with Botarā€™s species. Being able to teleport anywhere, any time, is a very useful power, and his species is one of the few with a power that powerful that all members have.
However, if I might cheat a bit, Iā€™m going to say Krahkaā€™s species. Think of it, with Krahkaā€™s powers, you can basically be any MU species you want. Be a Toa for a day, a Vortixx tomorrow, and a Skakdi next week. She might not be able to copy mask powers, but other than that, Krahka is OP.

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Possibly a Vortixx, since theyā€™re a society of tech and industry.