Why do some Bionicle fans suck?

Not Team Fortress.



point still stands




all caps

What is this sorcery


I’ve found a lot of fandoms are like this. Whether it by Star Wars, Bionicle, transformers, Ace Attorney, and many many others. There are always those who just seem to hate whatever new stuff comes out for the sake of hating it.


“Instinct is a lie. Told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong. When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself for the possibilities of a new reality”. -Guru Lahima


Pffft, the @BeefJStag fanbase is flawless!
Because there’s no fans.


I cringe when these Gen 1 purists go about bashing/hating on just about anything from the new Bionicle. I find it jarring that they just can’t seem to accept/adapt to change of any kind.

Sure the story is more simplistic and yes the building system is different and more clean-cut, but that does not mean that Lego has ruined, or for that matter, killed Bionicle.

You can’t ruin something that already exists. Just because Gen 2 is a reboot, that does not mean that Gen 1 is now totally non-existent. It will always be around in the form of homages (the Vahi cameos in the 2015 Animations), as well through fan-fiction or fan-art based around Gen 1.

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve seen so many of these OT purists in the Star Wars fan community babble on that “The OT is the only Star Wars”, as well as “The Prequels should never exist” (paraphrasing here). I will say that the prequels were not perfect, but they were not god-awful at the same time.

This kind of nostalgia and purist behaviour in the Star Wars fandom is a big reason why I left the Star Wars fan community, and this kind of nostalgia still makes me sick.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so I’m just throwing mine in.


You. I like you. :smiley:


I don’t understand these people either. The EU is a fantastic place.

As for any fanbase, the downfall comes from those who judge others in the community too harshly (wasn’t there an Autopsy about this? I forget.) Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and if said opinions contradict yours, you don’t need to lash out.

It seems a lot of people are overly self-centered, and unwilling to be lenient with what they think. This is one of the reasons why I avoid most fanbases, fan sites, and Youtube comments. That is also another thing I love about this website. So far, at least, everyone has been accepting and willing to hear other’s ideas.


I believe that it was the second episode of Bionicle Autopsy, in which Var talked about elitism and overzealousness within the Bionicle community.

Either way, it’s still a shame that almost (if not) all fanbases seem to fall victim of this issue, and that there are people who behave this way in those communities.


@Helryx08, @Hydraxilos

What you’re all saying is true. Elitist fans tend to take over fandoms sometimes, segregating people based on a minority opinion.

A lot of how people judge fandoms comes down to an understanding of the fandom. A lot of people don’t understand the MLP fandom, and so think they’re weird, overzealous 30 year olds in their mom’s basement. Me, knowing several people from the fandom, and having actually talked with them about it, I know that MLP is just like any other fandom where the loud and obnoxious ones are paid more attention than the ones who mind their own business. (That’s how it goes in every aspect of life I’m afraid. Those who are obnoxious and stupid are always looked at as the majority, when really they’re just louder than the actual majority.)

When people see others who like something they don’t, and they don’t understand why (Which could be for a variety of reasons) most will tend to scrutinize them for being different. It’s quite sad, but I would not be wrong in saying that these people are, again, in the minority. Many people do keep quiet, but it’s always the loud, obnoxious, stupid, ones who speak up, and so it is assumed (By themselves and/or others) they speak for the entirety or the majority of people.

So that’s how I feel about that.

Also, just to clarify my disposition towards the Star Wars prequels: They’re actually alright if you haven’t seen the other films. For me personally, it’s Jar Jar’s character, and Anakin’s moodiness/inability to show any kind of emotional relationship or charisma between him and the other characters. Hayden was very bland. The kid in Ep.I was… Okay, I really just fault Lucas for the kid’s lines there. “Are you an angel?” “Now this is podracing!” Ugh.

Anakin should have been more like the Anakin in TCW. Strong, courageous, bold, clever, quick-witted, and not at all depressive.


I have never agreed more with any human being in my entire life.


I don’t necessarily agree with all of his reasons (He really seems to look down on any sort of canon or story, when I’d argue those were some of the elements that made Bionicle great and gave Hero Factory its massive, untapped(?) potential) but overall I’d say he’s right on the nose about how G2 being so different and using CCBS is probably a good thing in the long run.

For me, I think it’s a smart decision on Lego’s part to try to differentiate it as much as possible from its predecessor while still keeping the elements that make it Bionicle to begin with. If they’d gone with something closer to the original story, then it would garner more scrutiny and comparison, and the differences would be treated worse than they already are. This way, G2 can stand up or fall down on its own to a much greater degree. And to be honest, CCBS is growing on me.

EDIT: This is somewhat tangential, but Jang’s article has helped me pin down why I take issue with the recent trend of hating on specialized pieces, and why CCBS hasn’t completely won me over yet: personality.

I mean, overspecialized pieces that can only be used for one thing and one thing only (coughGalidorcough) are certainly something to be avoided, but then there are other pieces, such as the Slizer torso and the Vahki head, that can be used a number of different ways if you’re inventive enough to find them, and they have certain textures and shapes that come together to make bigger shapes that all have their own personality. Jang took issue with the way the masks were definitively associated with certain characters, but that is the case because those characters had personalities that were reflected in those masks - or maybe the other way around.

Now, while I don’t rabidly hate CCBS like some people do, I still take issue with it because it generally doesn’t have that same sort of personality. The Breakout(?) and Brain Attack(?) torsos are exceptions, but for the most part the shell pieces are very flat, very bland. Clipons help, but they are very definitively limited to being clipons. Shells are shells. Bones are bones. In a way, CCBS is far more restricting than the old system. I can take a Vahki head and use it as a shoulder or even waist armor, (and I have, in both cases!) but I cannot take a shell piece and use it as a bone.

But yeah, no; Bionicle G2 is cool and people saying it’s not for stupid reasons have no idea what they’re talking about.


word of advice

don’t look at the comments section for any BIONICLE video EXCEPT for TTV

just don’t



Honestly TTV is the only bionicle channel I watch. They’re like the only good ones there and they didn’t even have to pay me to say that


There were some other good ones out there, but, iBIONICLE and Jaller don’t produce videos anymore, plus now CBW is now run by CallanLoF, whom of which used to be pretty good, now he produces a lot of spam

I saw the title and Eurico615 came straight to mind.

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Who is that?

A youtuber. He’s gone now, but he was basically a gen 1 super fanboy. Gewunner is the term right?