Why is Lewa a girl?

Same difference? I don’t think it’s generally a male trait either. Again, just because more men go into the field doesn’t mean that they just inherently have that trait.

And the context was, “girls can’t be inventive so Nuparu can’t be a girl”. When you defended that statement, the implication is, yes it has to be exclusive to males. If it is NOT exclusive, then there’s no reason for you to defend the statement “Nuparu can’t be a girl”.


Like to clarify that I’m not arguing that Nuparu can’t be a girl. You don’t even have a Nuparu in G3 yet (that I know of) so I would have no ground to stand on even if I wanted to argue that.

I am only arguing that the trait is usually male.

And I must disagree. I think, if you place a bunch of pieces in front of a young boy and a young girl, the boy is more likely to start trying to build something the girl is. I may indeed be wrong, but I think that the reason more males are inventors and engineers is that more are interested in that.


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Man, this escalated. I think if you put pieces in front of a kid, regardless of whether they’re a girl or boy, they’re gonna play with them and build something with them.


Unfortunately there’s a fundamental point of contention in your argument that makes a statement like this impossible to combat. It’s too broad a stroke, it’s too much of a sweeping generalization, and it doesn’t account for the very obvious and clear signs that people are complex individuals that do not conform to one single train of thought and their interests cannot just be surmised in two categories.

Your analogy of paint on a wall has overlap, the graph that was linked earlier has overlap. People have overlapping interests, regardless of their gender. Your claims are too vague to paint an accurate picture of the world and therefore aren’t very helpful when it comes to determining whether we should or should not do something such as make a character female.


I think the big thing is to remember that these are new characters, a new world, a new year, and a new audience. Lewa being a girl actually is a gold mine for character development that the original didn’t have. G1 Lewa was charming, charismatic, and had a confidence/feeling of knowing what he was doing, especially when he didn’t. But making Lewa female doesn’t remove any of that, but it opens some doors that the other toa, Gali especially, couldn’t fill. The big thing is Lewa provides another personality aside from Gali for a female character. All female toa with the possible exception of Hahli and Helryx are known as The peacekeepers, and other female Toa weren’t highlighted in the main cast. Adding female Lewa opens interactions between sisters with Gali, a bit more of a fun female role model, and a Toa that adds a spice of variety. In any case, this seems more or less decided upon and not up for discussion, but I think it’s a good idea nevertheless, and this is someone who follows G1 canon like law.


Adding another cent in here, I always thought Brickonicle was a community project headed by the cast, therefore Lewa being female was something stemming from a consensus. I might be wrong in assuming, but I really don’t see the point of arguing. It’s unofficial, and just something to have fun with, and I’m glad TTV is doing something like this to keep Bionicle in the spotlight. Besides, G1 still has a male Lewa, while G3 has an entirely new dimension as to who the Toa are without drastically changing them as characters (again, I assume). I feel Lewa being female is justified by these new rules of this new world that G3 follows, and even if I disagree, I still have G1 to fondly look back at.


All right, I’ll try to simplify it

You say you want to make Lewa a girl to

So if, as you say, girls are more likely to relate to a character that is female… then does not the same apply to boys? Doesn’t making Lewa not a boy give boys one less character to represent them? I doubt that this would drive away a huge portion of the audience, I simply think it would do more harm then good.

Well… unless someone actually has done a study, I guess we can’t really say, then.


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I’m just going off what a kid would do. To me, a kid’s first instinct when something is placed in front of them is to play with it and figure out what it is and what it can do.

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You’re saying this as though it’s unfair to boys, but they still have four other characters versus the two that the girls get. This change is still in favor of boys.


Wait, wasn’t it explained in the podcast that the mantle of the Toa is pasted to people of a similar personality to the original Toa? Wasn’t it also said that the Toa before the latest version we see are basically the Toa Mata?

Why is this even a debate?


Like RogueToa said:



Maybe because this topic asks a question that’s already been answered in great detail?


I agree.

I’m saying it already isn’t just a line for boys, it’s a line for kids who like action themes, which is predominantly male, which isn’t me saying lewa shouldn’t be female, so much as making lewa female isn’t going to make girls with no interest in action themes gain an interest, so it’s not a good justification for it.

But they can relate to male characters as well, I can’t speak for everyone, but I relate to characters because of their personality and interests, not their gender.
It’s not an argument for or against the change.

Girls who are interested in action themes, and construction toys, which is about the g1 gender ratio in interest, 1:5 girls to boys, if not lower judging by the fanbase.

I agree, in fact more variance in personality in all characters is positive.

Personally I don’t see a single female in a group of males as representing more than that individual character, though I suppose not everyone feels that way.

I don’t either, I think I may have come across wrong, it’s not really the change that I have a problem with, I find it largely unimportant if unnecessary, I’m fairly middle ground on it, if you feel like lewa being female will mean you can write better characters then fine, I’m OK with that, I just don’t agree with the argument that it will cause more girls to be interested in the tribal robots fighting to the death.

I apologize, I wasn’t intending to strawman you, I read your comment as ‘we’re adding more females so that girls have characters to relate to’, obviously this is not what you meant.

And how character traits are dispersed by gender, I find there’s a correlation between the two.

Honestly I’ve kind of lost the plot as well, I think it’s to do with changing lewas gender not affecting interest in the line.


I think the problem is with word choice, when we(general) talk about “boys toys” and “girls toys” we’re referring to the group that majoritively has an interest in that type of toy, it’s just a colloquial shorthand really, for action, construction, combat, versus suspense, aesthetic design, interpersonal conflicts.
Honestly this whole thing is really nuanced and complex, and also going off topic, I just don’t get many opportunities to talk about gender and psychology in relation to toy design and marketing.

It was a good film with a female lead, the surge of female moviegoers is most likely due to diana being the poster girl of female empowerment and not simply because she was female.

I’ll start by clarifying I think nuparu being a female engineer is fine, however an interest in mechanics and science and the like is more prevalent in males, it’s due to biological differences, specifically brain chemistry, from what I’ve learned.

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One of my big problems with gender bending any character is that it requires you to feel gender is unimportant enough that you can change it willy nilly, yet also important enough that it needs to be changed.
It contradicts itself.
You are actively combating the idea that gender is important in art by enforcing it.


So illogical


Again, it’s not really gender-bending, more like a female taking up the role of a well-known hero and their powers and appearance.


Then why insist on calling it lewa.


Yeah, call it Leewa instead. (spelled the same, but pronounced different)



Because they’re essentially embodying the Toa I’m guessing.

I’m not sure how you could have gone through this topic and reach the conclusion that we feel it isn’t important. It is important, thus the change is important. Just not intrinsic to the character, thus an argument that it “ruins the character” cannot be made.

I think that’s pretty logical.


It doesnt matter what lore you use to excise it.

For all intents and purposes this is the new lewa.
Lewa is a guy
They made him a girl.
That’s gender bending.