Thank you all for your patience! Let’s get voting.
#Voting ended on Friday, October 2nd, 2015 at 6:45 MST.
#Voting is over!
Votes being compiled…
Thank you all for your patience! Let’s get voting.
#Voting ended on Friday, October 2nd, 2015 at 6:45 MST.
#Voting is over!
Votes being compiled…
I am one with the Plurb.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuusion, HA! or Me and Pekekoa dancing and stuff.
All of you Board Clowns must fight the Ultimate Board Clown, @PluralOfJunglego!
Why am I not there? I started a trend n’ such…
'Cause it ain’t a cool trend.
So pwecious…
I just noticed I already won an award…
Was it for “Most Mundane Voice”?
Naw, but seriously, for what?
@PekekoaOfJungle Ew… It’s G2.
@Plural Indeed. Your character is the only nominee for Most Balanced RP Character.
Back on topic, please.
Most Well-Balanced RP Character. I knew being all emotional and stuff would work, eventually.
Vote looch.
A vote for MT is a vote for corrupt communist mods.
Please don’t vote for PluralOfJunglego; We don’t want to be clowns.
I actually feel kinda sorry for Scar. And the title editor and time lord.
But the tie! The drama!
EDIT: Can I have anyone who has voted to like this post. Just wanna know who is and is not paying attention.
So when will the voting end?
October Third.
Where do I vote? Please help me…