3 Stars Prototypes from Rare UK Commercials

do you know were we can find the glatorian commercials?

Right here.



oh I understand why now

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@Monopoly you can clearly see the smaller Stars armour pieces on Tahuā€™s arms arenā€™t the same shape / not fit for the Kardatoran body

these are prototypes no matter how cofused you are

@yoshiedude exactly

defā€™ was a last minute decision though

Edited for Double Post - BioKnight

bruh no need to try and attack him personally if he disagrees with you


iā€™m just acknowledging his lack of logic here

no need to frame me just because i disagree with him

After the other video he sent its obvious these are not prototypes. I still stand by my theory about the stars though.

guys, theyā€™re not prototypes

prototypes are developmental versions of a product or design before the finalized physical form is decided

the fact that the stars armor piece exists in this horrific mockup indicates they already figured out what they were doing with the sets before this 3d horrorscape existed, and therefore these cannot by definition be prototypes

likely they were the result of some poor people who saw images of the sets and wanted to get advertisements out early but had no idea how set scaling worked and thought this was good enough (it wasnā€™t)

these canā€™t be prototypes, no matter how sure you are


You really arenā€™t, though. If you were, thereā€™d be no need to throw in the ā€œno matter how confused you areā€ jab.

Besides, they seem to have a solid point.

If these animations were truly created entirely by Nicktoons, by taking the Agori-sized Stars sets and forcing them onto Glatorian bodies after the Stars were complete, then they arenā€™t prototypes.


to each their own conclusions

What on earth !?


someone should moc them up in Stud.io & post here or on Reddit

I find it interesting that nektannā€™s weapon is backwards.

Also, his arm is broken.


Upon clicking the link in the videoā€™s description, I was brought to a website that said that the ads were made by LEGO. It might also be important to note that itā€™s titled ā€œTest.ā€

So either this actually was an early version of the stars, or the person who uploaded the videos to the website didnā€™t really know what they were, and assumed they were lego prototype.

So my thoery as of now is at one point inika and piraka builds were to be used for the stars. But these were just animation test. I do not believe these were to be the stars at all.

Notable this seems to have been siting dormant on archive.org for a while. Since 2010. The uploader has a lot of stuff that seems interesting like a Colgate bionicle commercial.

Because weā€™ve seen the actual Stars Prototypes

Notice how Nektannā€™s head is much more similar to Vezokā€™s (because he was most likely going to be Vezok at first, note the weapon heā€™s holding), whereas the one in those videos is much closer to Nektannā€™s finalized head design. So these videos were most likely made after the sets were finalized.


Some blursed stuff in that video

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I uploaded a test found on the archive uploaders page

Wow thatā€™s very interesting (why is tahu nuva all red?) I am surprised that Iā€™ve never seen or heard of these before